Issa Etier
Issa Etier
Professor in the electrical engineering department at the Hashemite university
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Cited by
Analysis of solar radiation in Jordan
A Al Tarabsheh, M Ababne
Jordan J Mech Ind Eng 4 (6), 733-737, 2010
Investigation of temperature effects in efficiency improvement of non-uniformly cooled photovoltaic cells
A Al Tarabsheh, S Voutetakisb, AI Papadopoulosb, P Seferlisb, I Etiera, ...
Chemical Engineering Transactions 35, 2013
Performance of photovoltaic cells in photovoltaic thermal (PVT) modules
A Al Tarabsheh, I Etier, H Fath, A Ghazal, Y Morci, M Asad, A El Haj
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (7), 1017-1023, 2016
Experimentally evaluating electrical outputs of a PV-T system in Jordan
I Etier, S Nijmeh, M Shdiefat, O Al-Obaidy
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 12 (1), 421, 2021
Dynamic and steady-state characteristics of DC machines fed by photovoltaic systems
MS Widyan, AI Al Tarabsheh, IY Etier, RE Hanitsch
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 30 (3), 353-360, 2010
Measurement of secure power meter with smart IOT applications
I Etier, CA Murugan, N Kannan, G Venkatesan
Journal of Green Engineering 10 (12), 12961-12972, 2020
Energy yield of tracking PV systems in Jordan
A Al Tarabsheh, I Etier, A Nimrat
International Journal of Photoenergy 2012 (1), 890183, 2012
Investigation of wind energy in Jordan
M Ababneh, W Kakish, OA Mohareb, I Etier
International Conference, and Exhibition on Green Energy & Sustainability …, 2009
Transient analysis and output characteristics of DC motors fed by photovoltaic systems
MS Widyan, AI Al Tarabsheh, IY Etier, RE Hanitsch
JJMIE 4 (1), 2010
The Impact of Large Scale Photovoltaic Systems on the Harmonic Increase in Distribution Networks.
I Etier, MH Abderrazzaq, A Al Tarabsheh, OA Saraereh, M Albdour
Jordan Journal of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering 10 (4), 2016
Simulation of a 10 kW Photovoltaic system in areas with high solar irradiation
I Etier, M Ababneh, A A Tarabsheh
Simulation and comparison of a tracked PV system with a model based on the measurement of the skyirradiance distribution
R Hanitsch, I Etier, N Ertürk, K Heumann, M Munschauer
EuroSun98, 2nd ISES-Europe, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1998
Shunt resistance spatial variations in amorphous silicon solar cells
I Etier, A Al Tarabsheh, N Kannan
Microelectronics Journal 108, 104960, 2021
Design and simulation of a PV-grid connected system
I Etier, M Ababneh, AA Tarabsheh
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 10 (4), 423-429, 2015
IoT based Hybrid Power Generation and Observing System
I Etier, K Balachander, K Padmavathi, G Sureshkumaar, N Kannan
2022 3rd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication …, 2022
MATLAB based design and performance analysis of electronically commutated BLDC motor
AMMA Issa Etier, N Kannan
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 24 (1), 22-28, 2021
Potential of One-Axis and Two-Axis Tracking Photovoltaic Systems
A Al Tarabsheh, I Etier
International Journal of Thermal and Environmental Engineering 3 (2), 81-85, 2011
Real time analysis model of single action tracker, duel axis solar tracker and fixed mounting of the photovoltaic system
I Etier, MN Al-Labadi, A Jawarneh, B Hammad, N Kannan
Journal of Green Engineering 10 (11), 12439-12455, 2020
Modeling of series-connected photovoltaic cells
A Al Tarabsheh, I Etier, M Akmal, A Sweleh, M Ghazal
2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1523-1526, 2016
Investigation of the shunting effects of parallel-connected a-Si: H solar cells
A Al Tarabsheh, I Etier, M Widyan
International Journal of Sustainable Energy 32 (2), 71-77, 2013
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Articles 1–20