Jamshid Aghaei, Prof.
Jamshid Aghaei, Prof.
Professor at Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia
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Cited by
Demand response in smart electricity grids equipped with renewable energy sources: A review
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18, 64-72, 2013
Improved particle swarm optimisation for multi-objective optimal power flow considering the cost, loss, emission and voltage stability index
T Niknam, MR Narimani, J Aghaei, R Azizipanah-Abarghooee
IET generation, transmission & distribution 6 (6), 515-527, 2012
Optimal Behavior of Electric Vehicle Parking Lots as Demand Response Aggregation Agents
M Shafie-khah, E Heydarian-Forushani, GJ Osorio, FAS Gil, J Aghaei, ...
IEEE Trans Smart Grid 7 (6), 2654-2665, 2016
Scenario-based multiobjective volt/var control in distribution networks including renewable energy sources
T Niknam, M Zare, J Aghaei
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 27 (4), 2004-2019, 2012
Operation and planning of distribution networks with integration of renewable distributed generators considering uncertainties: A review
RHA Zubo, G Mokryani, HS Rajamani, J Aghaei, T Niknam, P Pillai
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72, 1177-1198, 2017
Generation and transmission expansion planning: MILP–based probabilistic model
J Aghaei, N Amjady, A Baharvandi, MA Akbari
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (4), 1592-1601, 2014
Multi-objective self-scheduling of CHP (combined heat and power)-based microgrids considering demand response programs and ESSs (energy storage systems)
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh
Energy 55 (15), 1044-1054, 2013
Scenario-based dynamic economic emission dispatch considering load and wind power uncertainties
J Aghaei, T Niknam, R Azizipanah-Abarghooee, JM Arroyo
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 47, 351-367, 2013
A modified honey bee mating optimization algorithm for multiobjective placement of renewable energy resources
T Niknam, SI Taheri, J Aghaei, S Tabatabaei, M Nayeripour
Applied energy 88 (12), 4817-4830, 2011
Stochastic multiobjective market clearing of joint energy and reserves auctions ensuring power system security
N Amjady, J Aghaei, HA Shayanfar
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (4), 1841-1854, 2009
Multi-objective electricity market clearing considering dynamic security by lexicographic optimization and augmented epsilon constraint method
J Aghaei, N Amjady, HA Shayanfar
Applied Soft Computing 11 (4), 3846-3858, 2011
A new modified teaching-learning algorithm for reserve constrained dynamic economic dispatch
T Niknam, R Azizipanah-Abarghooee, J Aghaei
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 749-763, 2013
Probabilistic Load Forecasting using an Improved Wavelet Neural Network Trained by Generalized Extreme Learning Machine
M Rafiei, T Niknam, J Aghaei, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 6961-6971, 2018
Optimal Battery Sizing of Microgrids Using Probabilistic Unit Commitment
H Khorramdel, J Aghaei, B Khorramde, P Siano
IEEE Trans Industrial Informatics 12 (2), 834-843, 2016
Optimal Operation of Microgrids through Simultaneous Scheduling of Electrical Vehicles and Responsive Loads Considering Wind and PV Units Uncertainties
A Rabiee, M Sadeghi, J Aghaei, A Heidari
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, 721–739, 2016
Optimal operation of hybrid AC/DC microgrids under uncertainty of renewable energy resources: A comprehensive review
M Pourbehzadi, T Niknam, J Aghaei, G Mokryani, M Shafie-khah, ...
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 109, 139-159, 2019
Assessing Increased Flexibility of Energy Storage and Demand Response to Accommodate a High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources
A Nikoobakht, J Aghaei, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (2), 659-669, 2019
Multistage distribution system expansion planning considering distributed generation using hybrid evolutionary algorithms
M Gitizadeh, AA Vahed, J Aghaei
Applied Energy 10, 655-666, 2013
Optimal operation management of fuel cell/wind/photovoltaic power sources connected to distribution networks
T Niknam, A Kavousifard, S Tabatabaei, J Aghaei
Journal of Power Sources 196 (20), 8881-8896, 2011
Scenario-based multiobjective distribution feeder reconfiguration considering wind power using adaptive modified particle swarm optimisation
T Niknam, A Kavousifard, J Aghaei
IET Renewable Power Generation 6 (4), 236-247, 2012
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Articles 1–20