R.M. Warwick
R.M. Warwick
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Change in marine communities: an approach to statistical analysis and interpretation
KR Clarke, RN Gorley, PJ Somerfield, RM Warwick
PRIMER-e Ltd, 2014
A practical strategy for analysing multispecies distribution patterns
JG Field, KR Clarke, RM Warwick
Marine ecology progress series, 37-52, 1982
A taxonomic distinctness index and its statistical properties
KR Clarke, RM Warwick
Journal of applied ecology 35 (4), 523-531, 1998
A further biodiversity index applicable to species lists: variation in taxonomic distinctness
KR Clarke, RM Warwick
Marine ecology Progress series 216, 265-278, 2001
A new method for detecting pollution effects on marine macrobenthic communities
RM Warwick
Marine biology 92, 557-562, 1986
New\'biodiversity\'measures reveal a decrease in taxonomic distinctness with increasing stress
RM Warwick, KR Clarke
Marine ecology progress series 129, 301-305, 1995
Change in marine communities
KR Clarke, RM Warwick
An approach to statistical analysis and interpretation 2, 1-168, 2001
Freeliving marine nematodes: Part II. British Chromadorida. Synopses of the British Fauna No. 38
HM Platt, RM Warwick
EJ Brill, Dr. W. Backhuys for the Linnean Society of London and the …, 1988
Environmental impact studies on marine communities: pragmatical considerations
RM Warwick
Australian Journal of ecology 18 (1), 63-80, 1993
Free-living Marine Nematodes: Monhysterids: Pictorial Key to World Genera and Noted for the Identification of British Species
RM Warwick, HM Platt, PJ Somerfield
Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association, 1998
Similarity-based testing for community pattern: the two-way layout with no replication
KR Clarke, RM Warwick
Marine biology 118, 167-176, 1994
Taxonomic distinctness and environmental assessment
RM Warwick, KR Clarke
Journal of Applied ecology 35 (4), 532-543, 1998
Detection of initial effects of pollution on marine benthos: an example from the Ekofisk and Eldfisk oilfields, North Sea
JS Gray, KR Clarke, RM Warwick, G Hobbs
Marine ecology progress series, 285-299, 1990
Increased variability as a symptom of stress in marine communities
RM Warwick, KR Clarke
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 172 (1-2), 215-226, 1993
A comparison of some methods for analysing changes in benthic community structure
RM Warwick, KR Clarke
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 71 (1 …, 1991
The level of taxonomic discrimination required to detect pollution effects on marine benthic communities
RM Warwick
Marine Pollution Bulletin 19 (6), 259-268, 1988
The taxonomic distinctness measure of biodiversity: weighting of step lengths between hierarchical levels
KR Clarke, RM Warwick
Marine ecology progress series 184, 21-29, 1999
Organic carbon content of sediments as an indicator of stress in the marine benthos
J Hyland, L Balthis, I Karakassis, P Magni, A Petrov, J Shine, ...
Marine ecology progress series 295, 91-103, 2005
Comparing the severity of disturbance: a metaanalysis of marine macrobenthic community data
RM Warwick, KR Clarke
Marine ecology progress series, 221-231, 1993
Analysis of community attributes of the benthic macrofauna of Frierfjord/Langesundfjord and in a mesocosm experiment
JS Gray, M Aschan, MR Carr, KR Clarke, RH Green, TH Pearson, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 151-165, 1988
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