Juan Manuel Vara
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Cited by
Applying CIM-to-PIM model transformations for the service-oriented development of information systems
V De Castro, E Marcos, JM Vara
Information and Software Technology 53 (1), 87-105, 2011
Leveraging creativity in requirements elicitation within agile software development: a systematic literature review
A Aldave, JM Vara, D Granada, E Marcos
Journal of Systems and Software 157, 110396, 2019
Model-Driven Engineering as a new landscape for traceability management: A systematic literature review
I Santiago, A Jiménez, JM Vara, V De Castro, VA Bollati, E Marcos
Information and Software Technology 54 (12), 1340-1356, 2012
Desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos: conceptos, métodos y herramientas
JG Molina, FOG Rubio, V Pelechano, A Vallecillo, JM Vara, ...
Alfaomega, 2014
WSDL automatic generation from UML models in a MDA framework
JM Vara, V De Castro, E Marcos
International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP'05 …, 2005
Applying MDE to the (semi-) automatic development of model transformations
VA Bollati, JM Vara, A Jimenez, E Marcos
Information and Software Technology 55 (4), 699-718, 2013
Analysing the cognitive effectiveness of the WebML visual notation
D Granada, JM Vara, M Brambilla, V Bollati, E Marcos
Software & Systems Modeling 16, 195-227, 2017
A framework for model-driven development of information systems: Technical decisions and lessons learned
JM Vara, E Marcos
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (10), 2368-2384, 2012
Model-driven web engineering
N Koch, S Meliá-Beigbeder, N Moreno-Vergara, V Pelechano-Ferragud, ...
Upgrade-Novática Journal (English and Spanish), Council of European …, 2008
Model transformation for object-relational database development
JM Vara, B Vela, JM Cavero, E Marcos
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1012-1019, 2007
Adapting transformations to metamodel changes via external transformation composition
K Garcés, JM Vara, F Jouault, E Marcos
Software & Systems Modeling 13, 789-806, 2014
Dealing with traceability in the MDDof model transformations
JM Vara, VA Bollati, Á Jiménez, E Marcos
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 40 (6), 555-583, 2014
Supporting Model–Driven Development of Object–Relational Database Schemas: A Case Study
JM Vara, B Vela, VA Bollati, E Marcos
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: Second International …, 2009
Model transformations for hypertext modeling on web information systems
P Cáceres, V de Castro, JM Vara, E Marcos
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1232-1239, 2006
MF0492_3 Programación Web en el Entorno Servidor.
ML Sanz, JMV Mesa, FJS Domingo, ÁM Pérez
Ra-Ma Editorial, 2016
Using weaving models to automate model-driven web engineering proposals
JM Vara, MV De Castro, M Didonet Del Fabro, E Marcos
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 39 (4), 245-252, 2010
Design and development of Smart Contracts for E-government through Value and Business Process Modeling
C Gómez, FJ Pérez Blanco, JM Vara, V De Castro, E Marcos
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2069, 2021
Training New Professionals in Service Engineering: Towards a Transdisciplinary Curriculum for Sustainable Businesses
E Marcos, V De Castro, ML Martín-Peña, JM Vara
Sustainability 12 (19), 8289, 2020
Towards the effective use of traceability in model-driven engineering projects
I Santiago, JM Vara, MV de Castro, E Marcos
Conceptual Modeling: 32th International Conference, ER 2013, Hong-Kong …, 2013
Validation of service blueprint models by means of formal simulation techniques
M Estañol, E Marcos, X Oriol, FJ Pérez, E Teniente, JM Vara
Service-Oriented Computing: 15th International Conference, ICSOC 2017 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20