Syn-to post-rift diapirism and minibasins of the Central High Atlas (Morocco): the changing face of a mountain belt E Saura, J Vergés, JD Martín-Martín, G Messager, M Moragas, P Razin, ... Journal of the Geological Society 171 (1), 97-105, 2014 | 121 | 2014 |
Middle Eocene-Early Miocene larger foraminifera from Dhofar (Oman) and Socotra Island (Yemen) J Serra-Kiel, A Gallardo-Garcia, P Razin, J Robinet, J Roger, C Grelaud, ... Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-95, 2016 | 97 | 2016 |
Development of incisions on a periodically emergent carbonate platform (Natih Formation, Late Cretaceous, Oman) C Grélaud, P Razin, PW Homewood, AM Schwab Journal of Sedimentary Research 76 (4), 647-669, 2006 | 84 | 2006 |
Diapiric growth within an Early Jurassic rift basin: The Tazoult salt wall (central High Atlas, Morocco) JD Martín‐Martín, J Vergés, E Saura, M Moragas, G Messager, V Baqués, ... Tectonics 36 (1), 2-32, 2017 | 82 | 2017 |
Channelized systems in an inner carbonate platform setting: differentiation between incisions and tidal channels (Natih Formation, Late Cretaceous, Oman) C Grélaud, P Razin, P Homewood Geological Society, London, Special Publications 329 (1), 163-186, 2010 | 67 | 2010 |
Outcrop sedimentology of the Natih Formation, northern Oman: A field guide to selected outcrops in the Adam Foothills and Al Jabal al Akhdar areas P Homewood, P Razin, C Grélaud, H Droste, V Vahrenkamp, M Mettraux, ... GEOARABIA-MANAMA- 13 (3), 39, 2008 | 62 | 2008 |
Jurassic rifting to post‐rift subsidence analysis in the Central High Atlas and its relation to salt diapirism M Moragas, J Vergés, E Saura, JD Martín‐Martín, G Messager, ... Basin Research 30, 336-362, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Late Jurassic to Cretaceous source rock prone intra-shelf basins of the Eastern Arabian plate–interplay between tectonism, global anoxic events and carbonate platform dynamics VC Vahrenkamp, P Van Laer, B Franco, MA Celentano, C Grelaud, ... International Petroleum Technology Conference, D021S002R003, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Salt tectonics in the Atlas mountains of Morocco J Vergés, M Moragas, JD Martín-Martín, E Saura, E Casciello, P Razin, ... Permo-Triassic salt provinces of Europe, North Africa and the Atlantic …, 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
A new conceptual model for the deposition process of homogenite: application to a cretaceous megaturbidite of the western Pyrenees (Basque region, SW France) T Mulder, S Zaragosi, P Razin, C Grelaud, V Lanfumey, F Bavoil Sedimentary Geology 222 (3-4), 263-273, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
The Paleogene pre-rift to syn-rift succession in the Dhofar margin (northeastern Gulf of Aden): stratigraphy and depositional environments J Robinet, P Razin, J Serra-Kiel, A Gallardo-Garcia, S Leroy, J Roger, ... Tectonophysics 607, 1-16, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
Improving reservoir models of Cretaceous carbonates with digital outcrop modelling (Jabal Madmar, Oman): Static modelling and simulating clinoforms EW Adams, C Grélaud, M Pal, AÉ Csoma, OS Al Ja'aidi, RA Hinai EAGE/Geological Society of London 17 (3), 309-332, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Selandian-Thanetian larger foraminifera from the lower Jafnayn Formation in the Sayq area (eastern Oman Mountains) JS KIEL, V Vicedo, P Razin, C Grélaud Geologica acta 14 (3), 315-333, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Seismic stratigraphy of a Lower Cretaceous prograding carbonate platform (Oman) and implications for the eustatic sea-level curve E Dujoncquoy, C Grélaud, P Razin, P Imbert, F Van Buchem, G Dupont, ... AAPG Bulletin 102 (3), 509-543, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Development and infill of the Late Albian to Turonian Shilaif intrashelf basin at the eastern margin of the giant Mesozoic Arabian carbonate platform: Basin architecture and … V Vahrenkamp, BJ Franco, D Popa, J Barata, C Grelaud, P Razin, ... International Petroleum Technology Conference, D031S016R004, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
Biostratigraphy and evolution of larger rotaliid foraminifera in the Cretaceous–Palaeogene transition of the southern Oman Mountains V Vicedo, R Robles‐Salcedo, J Serra‐Kiel, C Hidalgo, P Razin, ... Papers in Palaeontology 7 (1), 1-26, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
The mid-Cretaceous Natih Formation in Oman: A model for carbonate platforms and organic-rich intrashelf basins P Razin, C Grélaud, F Van Buchem AAPG Bulletin 101 (4), 515-522, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Latest Jurassic to Early Barremian carbonate systems from the United Arab Emirates to Oman: Regional stratigraphic architecture and controlling factors P Razin, C Grélaud, E Dujoncquoy, A Lebec Fourth EAGE Workshop on Arabian Plate Geology, cp-326-00012, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
Forward seismic modeling as a guide improving detailed seismic interpretation of deltaic systems: Example of the Eocene Sobrarbe delta outcrop (South-Pyrenean foreland basin … N Grasseau, C Grélaud, M Lopez-Blanco, P Razin Marine and Petroleum Geology 100, 225-245, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
ENREGISTREMENT STRATIGRAPHIQUE DES PHASES D'EMERSION SUR LES PLATES-FORMES CARBONATEES Une étude intégrée à l'affleurement et en sismique de la plate-forme cénomanienne d'Oman … C Grélaud Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |