Razvan Caracas
Razvan Caracas
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, CNRS, Université Paris Cité, and PHAB University of Oslo
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First-principles computation of material properties: the ABINIT software project
X Gonze, JM Beuken, R Caracas, F Detraux, M Fuchs, GM Rignanese, ...
Computational Materials Science 25 (3), 478-492, 2002
ABINIT: First-principles approach to material and nanosystem properties
X Gonze, B Amadon, PM Anglade, JM Beuken, F Bottin, P Boulanger, ...
Computer Physics Communications 180 (12), 2582-2615, 2009
A brief introduction to the ABINIT software package
X Gonze
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 220 (5-6), 558-562, 2005
First-principle studies of the lattice dynamics of crystals, and related properties
X Gonze, GM Rignanese, R Caracas
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 220 (5-6), 458-472, 2005
The high conductivity of iron and thermal evolution of the Earth’s core
H Gomi, K Ohta, K Hirose, S Labrosse, R Caracas, MJ Verstraete, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 224, 88-103, 2013
First-principles study of the electronic properties of A2B3 minerals, with A=Bi,Sb and B=S,Se
R Caracas, X Gonze
Physics and chemistry of minerals 32, 295-300, 2005
Effect of chemistry on the stability and elasticity of the perovskite and post‐perovskite phases in the MgSiO3‐FeSiO3‐Al2O3 system and implications for the …
R Caracas, RE Cohen
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (16), 2005
Effect of chemistry on the compressibility of silicate perovskite in the lower mantle
TB Ballaran, A Kurnosov, K Glazyrin, DJ Frost, M Merlini, M Hanfland, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 333, 181-190, 2012
Iron-rich silicates in the Earth's D ″layer
WL Mao, Y Meng, G Shen, VB Prakapenka, AJ Campbell, DL Heinz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (28), 9751-9753, 2005
First principles determination of the phase boundaries of high‐pressure polymorphs of silica
T Tsuchiya, R Caracas, J Tsuchiya
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (11), 2004
Elasticity of CaSiO3 perovskite at high pressure and high temperature
L Li, DJ Weidner, J Brodholt, D Alfe, GD Price, R Caracas, R Wentzcovitch
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 155 (3-4), 249-259, 2006
Equations of state in the Fe‐FeSi system at high pressures and temperatures
RA Fischer, AJ Campbell, R Caracas, DM Reaman, DL Heinz, P Dera, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (4), 2810-2827, 2014
Melt–crystal density crossover in a deep magma ocean
R Caracas, K Hirose, R Nomura, MD Ballmer
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 516, 202-211, 2019
CaSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle pressures
R Caracas, R Wentzcovitch, GD Price, J Brodholt
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (6), 2005
Raman spectroscopic properties and Raman identification of CaS‐MgS‐MnS‐FeS‐Cr2FeS4 sulfides in meteorites and reduced sulfur‐rich systems
C Avril, V Malavergne, R Caracas, B Zanda, B Reynard, E Charon, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48 (8), 1415-1426, 2013
Reconciling magma‐ocean crystallization models with the present‐day structure of the Earth's mantle
MD Ballmer, DL Lourenço, K Hirose, R Caracas, R Nomura
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (7), 2785-2806, 2017
Superionic-Superionic Phase Transitions in Body-Centered Cubic Ice
JA Hernandez, R Caracas
Physical review letters 117 (13), 135503, 2016
Equation of state and phase diagram of Fe–16Si alloy as a candidate component of Earth's core
RA Fischer, AJ Campbell, R Caracas, DM Reaman, P Dera, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 357, 268-276, 2012
Pressure-dependent isotopic composition of iron alloys
A Shahar, EA Schauble, R Caracas, AE Gleason, MM Reagan, Y Xiao, ...
Science 352 (6285), 580-582, 2016
Creep of phyllosilicates at the onset of plate tectonics
E Amiguet, B Reynard, R Caracas, B Van de Moortèle, N Hilairet, Y Wang
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 345, 142-150, 2012
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Articles 1–20