Youfu Li
Cited by
Cited by
Enabling scalable scientific workflow management in the cloud
Y Zhao, Y Li, I Raicu, S Lu, W Tian, H Liu
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2015
A Service Framework for Scientific Workflow Management in the Cloud
Y Zhao, Y Li, I Raicu, S Lu, C Lin, Y Zhang, W Tian, R Xue
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2015
Rios: Runtime integrated optimizer for spark
Y Li, M Li, L Ding, M Interlandi
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 275-287, 2018
Efficient Task Scheduling for Many Task Computing with Resource Attribute Selection
Y Zhao, L Chen, Y Li, W Tian
China Communications 11 (12), 125-140, 2014
Devising a Cloud Scientific Workflow Platform for Big Data
Y Zhao, Y Li, S Lu, I Raicu, C Lin
IEEE International Symposium on Scientific Workflows and Big Data Science …, 2014
Scientific-workflow-management-as-a-service in the cloud
Y Zhao, Y Li, W Tian, R Xue
2012 Second International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, 97-104, 2012
Bigdata applications from graph analytics to machine learning by aggregates in recursion
A Das, Y Li, J Wang, M Li, C Zaniolo
The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) 306, 273-279, 2019
RAS: a task scheduling algorithm based on resource attribute selection in a task scheduling framework
Y Zhao, L Chen, Y Li, P Liu, X Li, C Zhu
Internet and Distributed Computing Systems: 6th International Conference …, 2013
Migrating Scientific Workflow Management Systems from the Grid to the Cloud
Y Zhao, Y Li, I Raicu, C Lin, W Tian, R Xue
Architecting Cloud Workflow: Theory and Practice
Y Zhao, Y Li, I Raicu, S Lu, X Zhang
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2014
Monotonic properties of completed aggregates in recursive queries
C Zaniolo, A Das, J Gu, Y Li, M Li, J Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.08888, 2019
Big Data Processing with Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis on MapReduce
Y Zhao, Y Chen, Z Liang, S Yuan, Y Li
The Second International Workshop on Big Data, 162 - 166, 2014
Developing Big-Data Application as Queries: an Aggregate-Based approach.
C Zaniolo, A Das, J Gu, Y Li, M Li, J Wang
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 44 (2), 3-13, 2021
Kddlog: Performance and scalability in knowledge discovery by declarative queries with aggregates
Y Li, J Wang, M Li, A Das, J Gu, C Zaniolo
2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1260-1271, 2021
SEIZE: Runtime Inspection for Parallel Dataflow Systems
Y Li, M Interlandi, F Psallidas, W Wang, C Zaniolo
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (4), 842-854, 2020
SEIZE User Desired Moments: Runtime Inspection for Parallel Dataflow Systems
Y Li, M Interlandi, F Psallidas, W Wang, C Zaniolo
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2020
Demonstration of LogicLib: An Expressive Multi-Language Interface over Scalable Datalog System
M Li, J Wang, G Xiao, Y Li, C Zaniolo
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
Declarative Languages and Systems for Transparency, Performance and Scalability in Database Analytics
Y Li
University of California, Los Angeles, 2020
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Articles 1–18