Rose M. Mutiso
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Cited by
Integrating simulations and experiments to predict sheet resistance and optical transmittance in nanowire films for transparent conductors
RM Mutiso, MC Sherrott, AR Rathmell, BJ Wiley, KI Winey
ACS nano 7 (9), 7654-7663, 2013
Electrical properties of polymer nanocomposites containing rod-like nanofillers
RM Mutiso, KI Winey
Progress in Polymer Science 40, 63-84, 2015
Electrical percolation behavior in silver nanowire–polystyrene composites: simulation and experiment
SI White, RM Mutiso, PM Vora, D Jahnke, S Hsu, JM Kikkawa, J Li, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (16), 2709-2716, 2010
Simulations and generalized model of the effect of filler size dispersity on electrical percolation in rod networks
RM Mutiso, MC Sherrott, J Li, KI Winey
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (21), 214306, 2012
Electrical percolation in quasi-two-dimensional metal nanowire networks for transparent conductors
RM Mutiso, KI Winey
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Electrical conductivity of polymer nanocomposites
RM Mutiso, KI Winey
Polymer science: a comprehensive reference, 327-344, 2012
Resistive switching in silver/polystyrene/silver nano-gap devices
RM Mutiso, JM Kikkawa, KI Winey
Applied Physics Letters 103 (22), 2013
Electrical percolation in metal nanowire networks for bulk polymer nanocomposites and transparent conductors, and resistive switching in metal/polymer nano-gap devices
RM Mutiso
University of Pennsylvania, 2013
Acs Nano, 2013, 7, 7654-7663
RM Mutiso, MC Sherrott, AR Rathmell, BJ Wiley, KI Winey
Advances Accepted Manuscript Accepted Manuscript, 0
ACS Nano 7, 7654 (2013)
RM Mutiso, MC Sherrott, AR Rathmell, BJ Wiley, KI Winey
Article, 0
Simulations and generalized model of the effect of filler size dispersity on electrical percolation in rod networks (vol 86, 214306, 2012)
RM Mutiso, MC Sherrott, J Li, KI Winey
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87 (1), 2013
Organic Conductors and Semiconductors, Structure and Morphology of
PF Van Hutten
Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 6522-6526, 2001
Resistive Switching in Metal-Nanowire/Polymer Nano-Gap Devices
RM Mutiso, JK Kikkawa, KI Winey
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, Z6. 007, 2013
Thin-Film Nanowire Networks for Transparent Conductor Applications: Simulations of Sheet Resistance and Percolation Thresholds
KI Winey, RM Mutiso, MC Sherrott, AR Rathmell, BJ Wiley
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, Z6. 001, 2013
Resistive Switching in Ag Nanowire/Polymer Composite Materials
J Ford, R Mutiso, K Winey
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2012, B48. 007, 2012
Electrical Conductivity in Transparent Silver Nanowire Networks: Simulations and Experiments
M Sherrott, R Mutiso, A Rathmell, B Wiley, K Winey
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2012, W44. 006, 2012
Effect of Nanowire Size Dispersity and Orientation on Electrical Conductivity in Polymer Nanocomposites
R Mutiso, M Sherrott, J Li, K Winey
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2012, W44. 007, 2012
Effect of Nanowire Size Dispersity on the Electrical Conductivity in Polymer Nanocomposites
R Mutiso, M Sherrott, J Li, K Winey
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2011, Q42. 005, 2011
Resistive switching in bulk polymer nanocomposites containing silver nanowires
K Winey, S White, P Vora, J Kikkawa, R Mutiso
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2011, X45. 004, 2011
Dependence of Electrical Percolation Behavior on Filler Aspect Ratio in Isotropic Silver Nanowire-Polystyrene Composites
RM Mutiso, SI White, D Jahnke, S Hsu, PM Vora, JM Kikkawa, J Li, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2010, H18. 003, 2010
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Articles 1–20