Emil Keyder
Emil Keyder
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The SOL Genomics Network. A comparative resource for Solanaceae biology and beyond
LA Mueller, TH Solow, N Taylor, B Skwarecki, R Buels, J Binns, C Lin, ...
Plant physiology 138 (3), 1310-1317, 2005
Heuristics for planning with action costs revisited
E Keyder, H Geffner
ECAI 2008, 588-592, 2008
Soft goals can be compiled away
E Keyder, H Geffner
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 36 (1), 547-556, 2009
Sound and complete landmarks for and/or graphs
E Keyder, S Richter, M Helmert
ECAI 2010, 335-340, 2010
Robust image stitching with multiple registrations
C Herrmann, C Wang, RS Bowen, E Keyder, M Krainin, C Liu, R Zabih
Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 53-67, 2018
Semi-relaxed plan heuristics
E Keyder, J Hoffmann, P Haslum
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2012
Improving delete relaxation heuristics through explicitly represented conjunctions
E Keyder, J Hoffmann, P Haslum
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 50, 487-533, 2014
Fast downward stone soup
M Helmert, G Röger, J Seipp, E Karpas, J Hoffmann, E Keyder, R Nissim, ...
Seventh International Planning Competition, 38-45, 2011
The HMDPP planner for planning with probabilities
E Keyder, H Geffner
Sixth International Planning Competition at ICAPS 8, 2008
Object-centered image stitching
C Herrmann, C Wang, RS Bowen, E Keyder, R Zabih
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 821-835, 2018
Trees of Shortest Paths vs. Steiner Trees: Understanding and Improving Delete Relaxation Heuristics.
E Keyder, H Geffner
IJCAI, 1734-1739, 2009
BJOLP: The big joint optimal landmarks planner
C Domshlak, M Helmert, E Karpas, E Keyder, S Richter, G Röger, J Seipp, ...
[sn], 2011
Structural patterns beyond forks: Extending the complexity boundaries of classical planning
M Katz, E Keyder
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 1779-1785, 2012
Novel inter and intra prediction tools under consideration for the emerging AV1 video codec
U Joshi, D Mukherjee, J Han, Y Chen, S Parker, H Su, A Chiang, Y Xu, ...
Applications of Digital Image Processing XL 10396, 54-66, 2017
Oversubscription planning as classical planning with multiple cost functions
M Katz, E Keyder, D Winterer, F Pommerening
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2019
Rate of pathogenic germline variants in patients with lung cancer
S Sorscher, J LoPiccolo, B Heald, E Chen, SL Bristow, ST Michalski, ...
JCO Precision Oncology 7, e2300190, 2023
The FF (ha) planner for planning with action costs
E Keyder, H Geffner
Proceedings of the International Planning Competition (IPC), 2008
Diversified motion using multiple global motion models
D Mukherjee, E Keyder, M Covell, C Wang, S Parker, R Zabih
US Patent 10,681,374, 2020
A* Search and Bound-Sensitive Heuristics for Oversubscription Planning
M Katz, E Keyder
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (9), 9813-9820, 2022
New Heuristics For Planning With Action Costs
ER Keyder
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2010
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Articles 1–20