Tobias Fredlund
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the role of physics representations: an illustrative example from students sharing knowledge about refraction
T Fredlund, J Airey, C Linder
European journal of physics 33 (3), 657, 2012
Unpacking Physics Representations: Towards an Appreciation of Disciplinary Affordance
T Fredlund, C Linder, J Airey, A Linder
Physical Review Special Topics–Physics Education 10, 020129, 2014
Enhancing the possibilities for learning: Variation of disciplinary-relevant aspects in physics representations
T Fredlund, J Airey, C Linder
European Journal of Physics 36 (5), 055001, 2015
A social semiotic approach to identifying critical aspects
T Fredlund, C Linder, J Airey
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 4 (3), 302-316, 2015
Exploring student reasoning and representation construction in school science through the lenses of social semiotics and interaction analysis
E Knain, T Fredlund, A Furberg
Research in Science Education 51 (1), 93-111, 2021
Using a social semiotic perspective to inform the teaching and learning of physics
T Fredlund
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2015
Representing to learn in science education: Theoretical framework and analytical approaches
E Knain, T Fredlund, AL Furberg, K Mathiassen, KB Remmen, ...
Acta Didactica Norge-tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings-og …, 2017
Towards addressing transient learning challenges in undergraduate physics: an example from electrostatics
T Fredlund, C Linder, J Airey
European journal of physics 36 (5), 055002, 2015
The concept of disciplinary affordance
J Airey, U Eriksson, T Fredlund, C Linder
The 5th International 360 Conference. Encompassing the multimodality of …, 2014
On the disciplinary affordances of semiotic resources
J Airey, U Eriksson, T Fredlund, C Linder
The first Conference of the International Association for Cognitive …, 2014
The epistemological commitments of modes: opportunities and challenges for science learning
T Fredlund, K Beate Remmen, E Knain
Visual Communication 23 (1), 97-118, 2024
Exploring physics education using a social semiotic perspective: The critical role of semiotic resources
T Fredlund
Uppsala universitet, 2013
Reverse rankshift: towards an appreciation of the disciplinary affordances of representations
T Fredlund, C Linder, J Airey
The 5th International 360 Conference. Encompassing the multi modality of …, 2014
Att välja lämpliga semiotiska resurser.
T Fredlund, J Airey, C Linder
Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2013
Erratum: Unpacking physics representations: Towards an appreciation of disciplinary affordance [Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 10, 020129 (2014)]
T Fredlund, C Linder, J Airey, A Linder
Physical Review Physics Education Research 15 (1), 019901, 2019
The role of representations in students' argumentation on SSI
E Knain, KB Remmen, T Fredlund
ESERA 2017 Conference; Dublin, Ireland; 21-25 August 2017, 2017
The gyroscopic effect and moment of inertia
Å Fäldt, T Fredlund
Physics Education 58 (2), 025001, 2023
The transition from naturalistic to theoretical representations of the greenhouse effect
T Fredlund, E Knain, A Larsen Furberg
ESERA 2017 Conference; Dublin, Ireland; 21-25 August 2017, 2017
Naturvetarnas ‘språk’: användandet av figurer, artefakter, ekvationer och ord i studentdiskussioner om fysikaliska fenomen
T Fredlund, C Linder
‘NU2010 Dialog för lärande’Conference, Stockholm, 13-15 October 2010, 2010
Representations and Students Teachers’ Experiences from Teacher Practice
ML Suhr Lunde, K Mathiassen, T Fredlund, E Knain
NARST 91st Annual International Conference; Atlanta, USA; 10-13 March 2018, 2018
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Articles 1–20