Timothy T Barrows
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Cited by
Reconstruction of sea-surface temperatures from assemblages of planktonic foraminifera: multi-technique approach based on geographically constrained calibration data sets and …
M Kucera, M Weinelt, T Kiefer, U Pflaumann, A Hayes, M Weinelt, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (7-9), 951-998, 2005
Radiocarbon dating of “old” charcoal using a wet oxidation, stepped-combustion procedure
MI Bird, LK Ayliffe, LK Fifield, CSM Turney, RG Cresswell, TT Barrows, ...
Radiocarbon 41 (2), 127-140, 1999
Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum
Nature Geoscience 2 (2), 127-132, 2009
The timing of the last glacial maximum in Australia
TT Barrows, JO Stone, LK Fifield, RG Cresswell
Quaternary science reviews 21 (1-3), 159-173, 2002
Late Pleistocene glaciation of the Kosciuszko massif, snowy mountains, Australia
TT Barrows, JO Stone, LK Fifield, RG Cresswell
Quaternary Research 55 (2), 179-189, 2001
Sea-surface temperatures around the Australian margin and Indian Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum
TT Barrows, S Juggins
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (7-9), 1017-1047, 2005
Palaeoenvironmental change in tropical Australasia over the last 30,000 years–a synthesis by the OZ-INTIMATE group
JM Reeves, HC Bostock, LK Ayliffe, TT Barrows, P De Deckker, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 97-114, 2013
Long‐term sea surface temperature and climate change in the Australian–New Zealand region
TT Barrows, S Juggins, P De Deckker, E Calvo, C Pelejero
Paleoceanography 22 (2), 2007
Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change in the Australian drylands
KE Fitzsimmons, TJ Cohen, PP Hesse, J Jansen, GC Nanson, JH May, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 78-96, 2013
Glacial and deglacial climatic patterns in Australia and surrounding regions from 35 000 to 10 000 years ago reconstructed from terrestrial and near-shore proxy data
M Williams, E Cook, S van der Kaars, T Barrows, J Shulmeister, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (23-24), 2398-2419, 2009
Absence of cooling in New Zealand and the adjacent ocean during the Younger Dryas chronozone
TT Barrows, SJ Lehman, LK Fifield, P De Deckker
Science 318 (5847), 86-89, 2007
The timing of linear dune activity in the Strzelecki and Tirari Deserts, Australia
KE Fitzsimmons, EJ Rhodes, JW Magee, TT Barrows
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (19-21), 2598-2616, 2007
Climate variability over the last 35,000 years recorded in marine and terrestrial archives in the Australian region: an OZ-INTIMATE compilation
JM Reeves, TT Barrows, TJ Cohen, AS Kiem, HC Bostock, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 21-34, 2013
Climatic records over the past 30 ka from temperate Australia–a synthesis from the Oz-INTIMATE workgroup
L Petherick, H Bostock, TJ Cohen, K Fitzsimmons, J Tibby, MS Fletcher, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 58-77, 2013
Soil functions and ecosystem services research in the Chinese karst Critical Zone
SM Green, JAJ Dungait, C Tu, HL Buss, N Sanderson, SJ Hawkes, K Xing, ...
Chemical Geology 527, 119107, 2019
A review of the Australian–New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean over the last 30 ka (Aus-INTIMATE project)
HC Bostock, TT Barrows, L Carter, Z Chase, G Cortese, GB Dunbar, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 35-57, 2013
Late Quaternary floods and droughts in the Nile valley, Sudan: new evidence from optically stimulated luminescence and AMS radiocarbon dating
MAJ Williams, FM Williams, GAT Duller, RN Munro, OAM El Tom, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (9-10), 1116-1137, 2010
La Niña‐like conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific and a stronger Choco jet in the northern Andes during the last glaciation
I Martínez, L Keigwin, TT Barrows, Y Yokoyama, J Southon
Paleoceanography 18 (2), 2003
Exposure ages for Pleistocene periglacial deposits in Australia
TT Barrows, JO Stone, LK Fifield
Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (5-6), 697-708, 2004
Integration of ice‐core, marine and terrestrial records for the Australian Last Glacial Maximum and Termination: a contribution from the OZ INTIMATE group
CSM Turney, S Haberle, D Fink, AP Kershaw, M Barbetti, TT Barrows, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2006
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Articles 1–20