Elisa Turricchia
Cited by
Cited by
Similarity measures for OLAP sessions
J Aligon, M Golfarelli, P Marcel, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Knowledge and information systems 39, 463-489, 2014
OLAP query reformulation in peer-to-peer data warehousing
M Golfarelli, F Mandreoli, W Penzo, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Information Systems 37 (5), 393-411, 2012
Mining preferences from OLAP query logs for proactive personalization
J Aligon, M Golfarelli, P Marcel, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 15th International Conference …, 2011
Modern software engineering methodologies meet data warehouse design: 4WD
M Golfarelli, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 13th International Conference …, 2011
Multi-sprint planning and smooth replanning: An optimization model
M Golfarelli, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Journal of systems and software 86 (9), 2357-2370, 2013
A Lagrangian heuristic for sprint planning in agile software development
MA Boschetti, M Golfarelli, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Computers & Operations Research 43, 116-128, 2014
Sprint planning optimization in agile data warehouse design
M Golfarelli, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 14th International Conference …, 2012
Towards OLAP query reformulation in peer-to-peer data warehousing
M Golfarelli, F Mandreoli, W Penzo, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Proceedings of the ACM 13th international workshop on Data warehousing and …, 2010
A characterization of hierarchical computable distance functions for data warehouse systems
M Golfarelli, E Turricchia
Decision support systems 62, 144-157, 2014
BIN: Business intelligence networks
M Golfarelli, F Mandreoli, W Penzo, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Business intelligence applications and the web: models, systems and …, 2012
A Query Reformulation Framework for P2P OLAP.
M Golfarelli, F Mandreoli, W Penzo, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
SEBD, 147-154, 2012
Pervasive Business Intelligence
E Turricchia
alma, 2013
Business Intelligence Networks
M Golfarelli, F Mandreoli, W Penzo, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Business Intelligence Applications and the Web: Models, Systems and …, 2011
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Articles 1–13