Denis Chabot
Denis Chabot
Chercheur, Pêches et Océans Canada
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The determination of standard metabolic rate in fishes
D Chabot, JF Steffensen, AP Farrell
Journal of Fish Biology 88 (1), 81-121, 2016
Reduced growth of Atlantic cod in non‐lethal hypoxic conditions
D Chabot, JD Dutil
Journal of fish biology 55 (3), 472-491, 1999
Responses by fishes to environmental hypoxia: integration through Fry's concept of aerobic metabolic scope
G Claireaux, D Chabot
Journal of Fish Biology 88 (1), 232-251, 2016
Environmental hypoxia as a metabolic constraint on fish: the case of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua
D Chabot, G Claireaux
Marine Pollution Bulletin 57 (6-12), 287-294, 2008
Hypoxia tolerance in Atlantic cod
S Plante, D Chabot, JD Dutil
Journal of Fish Biology 53 (6), 1342-1356, 1998
Diel variation in feeding rate and prey composition of herring and mackerel in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence
E Darbyson, DP Swain, D Chabot, M Castonguay
Journal of Fish Biology 63 (5), 1235-1257, 2003
Changes in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence ecosystem estimated by inverse modelling: evidence of a fishery-induced regime shift?
C Savenkoff, M Castonguay, D Chabot, MO Hammill, H Bourdages, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73 (3-4), 711-724, 2007
Conservation physiology of marine fishes: state of the art and prospects for policy
DJ McKenzie, M Axelsson, D Chabot, G Claireaux, SJ Cooke, RA Corner, ...
Conservation physiology 4 (1), cow046, 2016
Metabolic rate in fishes: definitions, methods and significance for conservation physiology
D Chabot, DJ McKenzie, JF Craig
Journal of Fish Biology 88 (1), 1-9, 2016
Effects of fishing and predation in a heavily exploited ecosystem: comparing periods before and after the collapse of groundfish in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)
C Savenkoff, DP Swain, JM Hanson, M Castonguay, MO Hammill, ...
Ecological modelling 204 (1-2), 115-128, 2007
The measurement of specific dynamic action in fishes
D Chabot, R Koenker, AP Farrell
Journal of Fish Biology 88 (1), 152-172, 2016
Ontogenetic changes in temperature preference of Atlantic cod
P Lafrance, M Castonguay, D Chabot, C Audet
Journal of Fish Biology 66 (2), 553-567, 2005
Will global warming affect the functional need for essential fatty acids in juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)? A first overview of the consequences of lower …
C Gourtay, D Chabot, C Audet, H Le Delliou, P Quazuguel, G Claireaux, ...
Marine Biology 165 (9), 143, 2018
Ontogenetic shifts in natural diet during benthic stages of American lobster (Homarus americanus), off the Magdalen Islands
B Sainte-Marie, D Chabot
Effects of hypoxia on metabolic functions in marine organisms: Observed patterns and modelling assumptions within the context of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory
Y Thomas, J Flye-Sainte-Marie, D Chabot, A Aguirre-Velarde, ...
Journal of Sea Research 143, 231-242, 2019
Energy Consumption: Metabolism (general)
JA Nelson, D Chabot
Encyclopedia of fish physiology: from genome to environment, 1566-1572, 2011
Impact of hypoxia on the metabolism of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
A Dupont-Prinet, M Vagner, D Chabot, C Audet
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (3), 461-469, 2013
Inverse modelling of trophic flows through an entire ecosystem: the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence in the mid-1980s
C Savenkoff, M Castonguay, AF Vézina, SP Despatie, D Chabot, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61 (11), 2194-2214, 2004
Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) oxygen consumption and metabolic enzyme activities are severely constrained by hypoxia in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
A Dupont-Prinet, M Pillet, D Chabot, T Hansen, R Tremblay, C Audet
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448, 298-307, 2013
Temperature induced variation in oxygen consumption of juvenile and adult stages of the northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis
D Daoud, D Chabot, C Audet, Y Lambert
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 347 (1-2), 30-40, 2007
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Articles 1–20