Dimitri N. Mavris
Dimitri N. Mavris
Other namesDimitri Mavris, D.N. Mavris, Dimitrios Mavris
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Next generation more-electric aircraft: A potential application for HTS superconductors
CA Luongo, PJ Masson, T Nam, D Mavris, HD Kim, GV Brown, M Waters, ...
IEEE Transactions on applied superconductivity 19 (3), 1055-1068, 2009
Development and experimental characterization of a fuel cell powered aircraft
TH Bradley, BA Moffitt, DN Mavris, DE Parekh
Journal of Power sources 171 (2), 793-801, 2007
Application of convolutional neural network to predict airfoil lift coefficient
Y Zhang, WJ Sung, DN Mavris
2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC structures, structural dynamics, and materials …, 2018
Prediction of weather-induced airline delays based on machine learning algorithms
S Choi, YJ Kim, S Briceno, D Mavris
2016 IEEE/AIAA 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-6, 2016
A deep learning approach to flight delay prediction
YJ Kim, S Choi, S Briceno, D Mavris
2016 IEEE/AIAA 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-6, 2016
A concept exploration method for determining robust top-level specifications
W Chen, JK Allen, DN Mavris, F Mistree
Engineering Optimization+ A35 26 (2), 137-158, 1996
Robust design simulation: a probabilistic approach to multidisciplinary design
DN Mavris, O Bandte, DA DeLaurentis
Journal of aircraft 36 (1), 298-307, 1999
Uncertainty modeling and management in multidisciplinary analysis and synthesis
DA DeLaurentis, D Mavris
38th Aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, 422, 2000
Architecture and principles of systems engineering
C Dickerson, DN Mavris
CRC Press, 2016
A framework for the quantitative assessment of performance-based system resilience
HT Tran, M Balchanos, JC Domerçant, DN Mavris
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 158, 73-84, 2017
A stochastic approach to multi-disciplinary aircraft analysis and design
D Mavris, D DeLaurentis, O Bandte, M Hale
36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 912, 1998
Systems-of-systems analysis of ballistic missile defense architecture effectiveness through surrogate modeling and simulation
T Ender, RF Leurck, B Weaver, P Miceli, WD Blair, P West, D Mavris
IEEE Systems Journal 4 (2), 156-166, 2010
Technology identification, evaluation, and selection for commercial transport aircraft
DN Mavris, MR Kirby
58th Annual Conference Of Society of Allied Weight Engineers, San Jose …, 1999
Design optimization of a truss-braced-wing transonic transport aircraft
O Gur, M Bhatia, JA Schetz, WH Mason, RK Kapania, DN Mavris
Journal of aircraft 47 (6), 1907-1917, 2010
The environmental design space
M Kirby, D Mavris
Aerospace Industries Association of America, 2008
An application of dbscan clustering for flight anomaly detection during the approach phase
K Sheridan, TG Puranik, E Mangortey, OJ Pinon-Fischer, M Kirby, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1851, 2020
A fault diagnosis method for industrial gas turbines using Bayesian data analysis
YK Lee, DN Mavris, VV Volovoi, M Yuan, T Fisher
Forecasting technology uncertainty in preliminary aircraft design
MR Kirby, DN Mavris
SAE transactions, 1388-1399, 1999
Preliminary design of a 2D supersonic inlet to maximize total pressure recovery
H Ran, D Mavris
AIAA 5th ATIO and16th Lighter-Than-Air Sys Tech. and Balloon Systems …, 2005
Energy-constrained multi-UAV coverage path planning for an aerial imagery mission using column generation
Y Choi, Y Choi, S Briceno, DN Mavris
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 97, 125-139, 2020
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Articles 1–20