Clément Mouhot
Clément Mouhot
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On landau damping
C Mouhot, C Villani
Hypocoercivity for linear kinetic equations conserving mass
J Dolbeault, C Mouhot, C Schmeiser
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (6), 3807-3828, 2015
Kac’s program in kinetic theory
S Mischler, C Mouhot
Inventiones mathematicae 193, 1-147, 2013
Quantitative perturbative study of convergence to equilibrium for collisional kinetic models in the torus
C Mouhot, L Neumann
Nonlinearity 19 (4), 969, 2006
Fast algorithms for computing the Boltzmann collision operator
C Mouhot, L Pareschi
Mathematics of computation 75 (256), 1833-1852, 2006
Fractional diffusion limit for collisional kinetic equations
A Mellet, S Mischler, C Mouhot
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 199, 493-525, 2011
Landau damping: paraproducts and Gevrey regularity
J Bedrossian, N Masmoudi, C Mouhot
Annals of PDE 2, 1-71, 2016
Harnack inequality for kinetic Fokker-Planck equations with rough coefficients and application to the Landau equation
F Golse, C Imbert, C Mouhot, A Vasseur
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.08068, 2016
Rate of convergence to equilibrium for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with hard potentials
C Mouhot
Communications in mathematical physics 261 (3), 629-672, 2006
Hypocoercivity for kinetic equations with linear relaxation terms
J Dolbeault, C Mouhot, C Schmeiser
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 347 (9-10), 511-516, 2009
Solving the Boltzmann Equation in N log2N
F Filbet, C Mouhot, L Pareschi
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (3), 1029-1053, 2006
Regularity theory for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with cut-off
C Mouhot, C Villani
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 173, 169-212, 2004
On the mean field and classical limits of quantum mechanics
F Golse, C Mouhot, T Paul
Communications in Mathematical Physics 343, 165-205, 2016
Explicit coercivity estimates for the linearized Boltzmann and Landau operators
C Mouhot
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 31 (9), 1321-1348, 2006
Spectral gap and coercivity estimates for linearized Boltzmann collision operators without angular cutoff
C Mouhot, RM Strain
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 87 (5), 515-535, 2007
Factorization of non-symmetric operators and exponential H-theorem
MP Gualdani, S Mischler, C Mouhot, S Mischler
Société Mathématique de France, 2017
Explicit spectral gap estimates for the linearized Boltzmann and Landau operators with hard potentials
C Baranger, C Mouhot
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 21 (3), 819-841, 2005
A new approach to quantitative propagation of chaos for drift, diffusion and jump processes
S Mischler, C Mouhot, B Wennberg
Probability Theory and Related Fields 161, 1-59, 2015
Exponential stability of slowly decaying solutions to the kinetic-Fokker-Planck equation
S Mischler, C Mouhot
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 221, 677-723, 2016
On measure solutions of the Boltzmann equation, part I: moment production and stability estimates
X Lu, C Mouhot
Journal of Differential Equations 252 (4), 3305-3363, 2012
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20