Subhash Risbud
Subhash Risbud
Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
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Synthesis and Characterization of Nanometer-Size Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3 Particles
YS Kang, S Risbud, JF Rabolt, P Stroeve
Chemistry of materials 8 (9), 2209-2211, 1996
Structural changes in fused silica after exposure to focused femtosecond laser pulses
JW Chan, T Huser, S Risbud, DM Krol
Optics letters 26 (21), 1726-1728, 2001
Low-temperature synthesis and processing of electronic materials in the BaO-TiO2 system
PP Phule, SH Risbud
Journal of Materials Science 25, 1169-1183, 1990
Spectroscopic and structural characterization of electrochemically grown ZnO quantum dots
S Mahamuni, K Borgohain, BS Bendre, VJ Leppert, SH Risbud
Journal of applied physics 85 (5), 2861-2865, 1999
Resonance Raman studies of the ground and lowest electronic excited state in CdS nanocrystals
JJ Shiang, SH Risbud, AP Alivisatos
The Journal of chemical physics 98 (11), 8432-8442, 1993
Modification of the fused silica glass network associated with waveguide fabrication using femtosecond laser pulses
JW Chan, TR Huser, SH Risbud, DM Krol
Applied Physics A 76, 367-372, 2003
Waveguide fabrication in phosphate glasses using femtosecond laser pulses
JW Chan, TR Huser, SH Risbud, JS Hayden, DM Krol
Applied physics letters 82 (15), 2371-2373, 2003
Solid‐state NMR Evidence of 4‐, 5, and 6‐Fold Aluminum Sites in Roller‐Quenched SiO2‐A12O3 Glasses
SH Risbud, RJ Kirkpatrick, AP Taglialavore, B Montez
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 70 (1), C‐10-C‐12, 1987
Synthesis, optical spectroscopy and ultrafast electron dynamics of PbS nanoparticles with different surface capping
AA Patel, F Wu, JZ Zhang, CL Torres-Martinez, RK Mehra, Y Yang, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (49), 11598-11605, 2000
Rare-earth chalcogenides—an emerging class of optical materials
PN Kumta, SH Risbud
Journal of materials science 29, 1135-1158, 1994
Synthesis and characterization of indium oxide nanoparticles
A Murali, A Barve, VJ Leppert, SH Risbud, IM Kennedy, HWH Lee
Nano Letters 1 (6), 287-289, 2001
Reverse micelle synthesis and characterization of ZnSe nanoparticles
FT Quinlan, J Kuther, W Tremel, W Knoll, S Risbud, P Stroeve
Langmuir 16 (8), 4049-4051, 2000
Quantum‐dot size‐distribution analysis and precipitation stages in semiconductor doped glasses
LC Liu, SH Risbud
Journal of applied physics 68 (1), 28-32, 1990
Plasma activated sintering of additive-free AlN powders to near-theoretical density in 5 minutes
JR Groza, SH Risbud, K Yamazaki
Journal of materials research 7 (10), 2643-2645, 1992
Introduction to phase equilibria in ceramics
CG Bergeron, SH Risbud
American Ceramic Society, 1984
Clean grain boundaries in aluminium nitride ceramics densified without additives by a plasma-activated sintering process
SH Risbud, JR Groza, MJ Kim
Philosophical Magazine B 69 (3), 525-533, 1994
Raman spectroscopy of calcium phosphate glasses with varying calcium oxide modifier concentrations
JE Pemberton, L Latifzadeh, JP Fletcher, SH Risbud
Chemistry of Materials 3 (1), 195-200, 1991
Three-Dimensional Core Shell Structure Revealed by X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy
J Miao, CC Chen, C Song, Y Nishino, Y Kohmura, T Ishikawa, ...
Physical review letters 97 (21), 215503, 2006
Emerging weak localization effects on a topological insulator–insulating ferromagnet (BiSe-EuS) interface
QI Yang, M Dolev, L Zhang, J Zhao, AD Fried, E Schemm, M Liu, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (8), 081407, 2013
State filling, Coulomb, and trapping effects in the optical nonlinearity of CdTe quantum dots in glass
V Esch, B Fluegel, G Khitrova, HM Gibbs, X Jiajin, K Kang, SW Koch, ...
Physical Review B 42 (12), 7450, 1990
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