Hang J. Kim
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Cited by
Multiple imputation of missing or faulty values under linear constraints
HJ Kim, JP Reiter, Q Wang, LH Cox, AF Karr
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 32 (3), 375-386, 2014
Simultaneous edit-imputation for continuous microdata
HJ Kim, LH Cox, AF Karr, JP Reiter, Q Wang
Journal of the American Statistical Association 110 (511), 987-999, 2015
Synthetic microdata for establishment surveys under informative sampling
HJ Kim, J Drechsler, KJ Thompson
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 184 …, 2021
Simultaneous edit-imputation and disclosure limitation for business establishment data
HJ Kim, JP Reiter, AF Karr
Journal of Applied Statistics 45 (1), 63-82, 2018
graph-GPA: a graphical model for prioritizing GWAS results and investigating pleiotropic architecture
D Chung, HJ Kim, H Zhao
PLoS computational biology 13 (2), e1005388, 2017
Statistical disclosure limitation in the presence of edit rules
HJ Kim, AF Karr, JP Reiter
Journal of Official Statistics 31 (1), 121-138, 2015
Bayesian pollution source identification via an inverse physics model
Y Hwang, HJ Kim, W Chang, K Yeo, Y Kim
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 134, 76-92, 2019
Improving SNP prioritization and pleiotropic architecture estimation by incorporating prior knowledge using graph-GPA
HJ Kim, Z Yu, A Lawson, H Zhao, D Chung
Bioinformatics 34 (12), 2139-2141, 2018
The generalized multiset sampler
HJ Kim, SN MacEachern
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 24 (4), 1134-1154, 2015
Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects for latent subgroups in observational studies
HJ Kim, B Lu, EJ Nehus, MO Kim
Statistics in medicine 38 (3), 339-353, 2019
Statistical disclosure control for public microdata: present and future
MJ Park, HJ Kim
The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics 29 (6), 1041-1059, 2016
Incorporating economic conditions in synthetic microdata for business programs
K Thompson, HJ Kim
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10 (3), 830-859, 2022
Bandwidth selection for kernel density estimation with a Markov chain Monte Carlo sample
HJ Kim, SN MacEachern, Y Jung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.08274, 2016
Bayesian causal inference for observational studies with missingness in covariates and outcomes
H Zang, HJ Kim, B Huang, R Szczesniak
Biometrics 79 (4), 3624-3636, 2023
ShinyGPA: An interactive visualization toolkit for investigating pleiotropic architecture using GWAS datasets
E Kortemeier, PS Ramos, KJ Hunt, HJ Kim, G Hardiman, D Chung
PLoS One 13 (1), e0190949, 2018
Using Thermodynamics and Statistics to Improve the Quality of Life-Cycle Inventory Data
B Bakshi, HJ Kim, P Goel
Thermodynamics and the Destruction of Resources, 235--248, 2011
Survey data integration for regression analysis using model calibration
Z Wang, HJ Kim, JK Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.06448, 2021
Bayesian Model Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis for Oscillating Biological Experiments
Y Hwang, HJ Kim, W Chang, C Hong, SN MacEachern
Technometrics, 1-11, 2025
The Generalized Multiset Sampler
HJ Kim, SN MacEachern
Technical Report 860, Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University, 2011
Rectification of multiscale data with reliability assessment to guide external data procurement in life cycle assessment
S Singh, H Kim, BR Bakshi, PK Goel
AIChE annual meeting, Philadelphia, 2008
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Articles 1–20