Jessica M. Oakes
Jessica M. Oakes
Northeastern University
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Quantitative method for comparative assessment of particle removal efficiency of fabric masks as alternatives to standard surgical masks for PPE
AV Mueller, MJ Eden, JM Oakes, C Bellini, LA Fernandez
Matter 3 (3), 950-962, 2020
Airflow and Particle Deposition Simulations in Health and Emphysema: From In Vivo to In Silico Animal Experiments
JM Oakes, AL Marsden, C Grandmont, SC Shadden, C Darquenne, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering, 1-16, 2014
Distribution of aerosolized particles in healthy and emphysematous rat lungs: Comparison between experimental and numerical studies
JM Oakes, AL Marsden, C Grandmont, C Darquenne, ...
Journal of biomechanics 48 (6), 1147-1157, 2015
Flow field analysis in an expanding healthy and emphysematous alveolar model using particle image velocimetry
J Oakes, S Day, S Weinstein, R Robinson
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2010
Airflow simulations in infant, child, and adult pulmonary conducting airways
JM Oakes, SC Roth, SC Shadden
Annals of biomedical engineering 46, 498-512, 2018
Regional flow and deposition variability in adult female lungs: A numerical simulation pilot study
K Poorbahrami, JM Oakes
Clinical Biomechanics 66, 40-49, 2019
Rat airway morphometry measured from in situ MRI-based geometric models
JM Oakes, M Scadeng, EC Breen, AL Marsden, C Darquenne
Journal of applied physiology 112 (11), 1921-1931, 2012
Lung-derived HMGB1 is detrimental for vascular remodeling of metabolically imbalanced arterial macrophages
L Boytard, T Hadi, M Silvestro, H Qu, A Kumpfbeck, R Sleiman, KH Fils, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 4311, 2020
Aerosols in healthy and emphysematous in silico pulmonary acinar rat models
JM Oakes, P Hofemeier, IE Vignon-Clementel, J Sznitman
Journal of biomechanics 49 (11), 2213-2220, 2016
Aerosol transport throughout inspiration and expiration in the pulmonary airways
JM Oakes, SC Shadden, C Grandmont, IE Vignon‐Clementel
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 33 (9 …, 2017
MRI-based measurements of aerosol deposition in the lung of healthy and elastase-treated rats
JM Oakes, EC Breen, M Scadeng, GS Tchantchou, C Darquenne
Journal of Applied Physiology 116, 1561-1568, 2014
A whole lung in silico model to estimate age dependent particle dosimetry
K Poorbahrami, IE Vignon-Clementel, SC Shadden, JM Oakes
Scientific reports 11 (1), 11180, 2021
Regional distribution of aerosol deposition in rat lungs using magnetic resonance imaging
JM Oakes, M Scadeng, EC Breen, GK Prisk, C Darquenne
Annals of biomedical engineering 41 (5), 967-978, 2013
Particle transport and deposition correlation with near-wall flow characteristic under inspiratory airflow in lung airways
A Farghadan, K Poorbahrami, S Jalal, JM Oakes, F Coletti, A Arzani
Computers in biology and medicine 120, 103703, 2020
Acute neuroradiological, behavioral, and physiological effects of nose-only exposure to vaporized cannabis in C57BL/6 mice
YM Farra, MJ Eden, JR Coleman, P Kulkarni, CF Ferris, JM Oakes, ...
Inhalation toxicology 32 (5), 200-217, 2020
Patient-specific modeling of aerosol delivery in healthy and asthmatic adults
K Poorbahrami, DG Mummy, SB Fain, JM Oakes
Journal of Applied Physiology 127 (6), 1720-1732, 2019
Simulated wildfire smoke significantly alters sperm DNA methylation patterns in a murine model
A Schuller, C Bellini, TG Jenkins, M Eden, J Matz, J Oakes, L Montrose
Toxics 9 (9), 199, 2021
Structural and functional remodeling of the female Apoe−/− mouse aorta due to chronic cigarette smoke exposure
YM Farra, J Matz, B Ramkhelawon, JM Oakes, C Bellini
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 320 (6 …, 2021
Increase in relative deposition of fine particles in the rat lung periphery in the absence of gravity
C Darquenne, MG Borja, JM Oakes, EC Breen, IM Olfert, M Scadeng, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 117 (8), 880-886, 2014
Effect of moisture content and fuel type on emissions from vegetation using a steady state combustion apparatus
P Garg, T Roche, M Eden, J Matz, JM Oakes, C Bellini, MJ Gollner
International journal of wildland fire 31 (1), 14-23, 2021
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Articles 1–20