Juan Carlos Quintana-Castillo
Juan Carlos Quintana-Castillo
Profesor, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
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Cited by
Neutralization of the edema-forming, defibrinating and coagulant effects of Bothrops asper venom by extracts of plants used by healers in Colombia
V Núñez, R Otero, J Barona, M Saldarriaga, RG Osorio, R Fonnegra, ...
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 37, 969-977, 2004
Scorpion envenoming in two regions of Colombia: clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic aspects
R Otero, E Navío, FA Céspedes, MJ Núñez, L Lozano, ER Moscoso, ...
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 98 (12 …, 2004
Efficacy and safety of two whole IgG polyvalent antivenoms, refined by caprylic acid fractionation with or without β-propiolactone, in the treatment of Bothrops asper bites in …
R Otero, G León, JM Gutiérrez, G Rojas, MF Toro, J Barona, V Rodríguez, ...
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100 (12 …, 2006
Comparative study of the efficacy and safety of two polyvalent, caprylic acid fractionated [IgG and F (ab′) 2] antivenoms, in Bothrops asper bites in Colombia
R Otero-Patiño, Á Segura, M Herrera, Y Angulo, G León, JM Gutiérrez, ...
Toxicon 59 (2), 344-355, 2012
A novel, inexpensive method of image coregistration for applications in image-guided surgery using augmented reality
EE Lovo, JC Quintana, MC Puebla, G Torrealba, JL Santos, IH Lira, ...
Operative Neurosurgery 60 (4), 366-372, 2007
An acidic phospholipase A2 with antibacterial activity from Porthidium nasutum snake venom
LJ Vargas, M Londoño, JC Quintana, C Rua, C Segura, B Lomonte, ...
Comparative biochemistry and physiology part B: biochemistry and molecular …, 2012
Inhibitory effects of plant phenolic compounds on enzymatic and cytotoxic activities induced by a snake venom phospholipase A2
JA Pereanez, V Nunez, AC Patino, M Londono, JC Quintana
Vitae 18 (3), 295-304, 2011
Picaduras por escorpión Tityus asthenes en Mutatá, Colombia: aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y toxinológicos
JP Gómez, JC Quintana, P Arbeláez, J Fernández, JF Silva, J Barona, ...
Biomédica 30 (1), 126-139, 2010
Cloning and characterization of an antibacterial L-amino acid oxidase from Crotalus durissus cumanensis venom
LJ Vargas, JC Quintana, JA Pereañez, V Núñez, L Sanz, J Calvete
Toxicon 64, 1-11, 2013
In Vitro Antiplasmodial Activity of Phospholipases A2 and a Phospholipase Homologue Isolated from the Venom of the Snake Bothrops asper
JCQ Castillo, LJ Vargas, C Segura, JM Gutiérrez, JCA Pérez
Toxins 4 (12), 1500-1516, 2012
Accidente bothrópico en Colombia: estudio multicéntrico de la eficacia seguridad de Antivipmyn-Tri®, un antiveneno polivalente producido en México
Iatreia 20 (3), 244-262, 2007
Antiplasmodial effect of the venom of Crotalus durissus cumanensis, crotoxin complex and Crotoxin B
JC Quintana, AM Chacón, L Vargas, C Segura, JM Gutiérrez, JC Alarcón
Acta tropica 124 (2), 126-132, 2012
Efecto inhibitorio de extractos de Renealmia alpinia Rottb. Maas (Zingiberaceae) sobre el veneno de Bothrops asper (mapaná)
AC Patiño, J López, M Aristizábal, JC Quintana
Biomédica 32 (3), 365-374, 2012
Inhibition of the toxic effects of Lachesis muta, Crotalus durissus cumanensis and Micrurus mipartitus snake venoms by plant extracts
V Núñez, R Otero, J Barona, R Fonnegra, S Jiménez, RG Osorio, ...
Pharmaceutical biology 42 (1), 49-54, 2004
Envenenamiento aracnído en las Américas
JC Quintana Castillo, R Otero Patiño
Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB, 2002
Inhibición de las actividades proteolítica, coagulante y hemolítica indirecta inducidas por el veneno de Bothrops asper por extractos etanólicos de tres especies de heliconias
JA Pereañez, SL Jiménez, JC QUINTANA, V Nuñez, M Fernandez, ...
Vitae 15 (1), 157-164, 2008
Propagación in vitro de Renealmia alpinia (ROTTB), planta con actividad antiofídica
JC Alarcón, DM Martínez, JC Quintana, S Jiménez, A Díaz, I JIMÉNEZ
Vitae 15 (1), 61-69, 2008
Extraction and partial characterization of venom from the Colombian spider Pamphobeteus aff. nigricolor (Aranae: Theraphosidae)
S Estrada-Gomez, LJV Muñoz, JCQ Castillo
Toxicon 76, 301-309, 2013
Assessment of endocrine disruptor effects of levonorgestrel and its photoproducts: Environmental implications of released fractions after their photocatalytic removal
JF Narváez, H Grant, VC Gil, J Porras, JCB Sanchez, LFO Duque, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 371, 273-279, 2019
Venomic, Transcriptomic, and Bioactivity Analyses of Pamphobeteus verdolaga Venom Reveal Complex Disulfide-Rich Peptides That Modulate Calcium Channels
S Estrada-Gomez, FC Cardoso, LJ Vargas-Muñoz, JC Quintana-Castillo, ...
Toxins 11 (9), 496, 2019
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Articles 1–20