Rajeswar Chatterjee
Rajeswar Chatterjee
Principal researcher
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Cited by
Mixing in planar spiral microchannel
VS Duryodhan, R Chatterjee, SG Singh, A Agrawal
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 89, 119-127, 2017
Erosion behavior of blast furnace tuyere
R Chatterjee, S Nag, S Kundu, R Chakraborty, U Singh, S Chandra
ISIJ International 59 (9), 1732-1734, 2019
Impact of aspect ratio and thermophysical properties on heat transfer behavior in spiral microchannel
R Chatterjee, VS Duryodhan, A Agrawal
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 172, 107335, 2022
Technological advancements in evaluating the performance of the pulverized coal injection through tuyeres in blast furnace
A Agrawal, RK Tiwari, S Kumar, R Chatterjee, BK Singh, RS Singh, ...
Metallurgical Research & Technology 117 (6), 611, 2020
Impact of Flow Boiling on Blast Furnace Tuyere Life: A Designer's Perspective
R Chatterjee, S Nag, S Kundu, U Ghosh, U Singh, S Chandra
steel research international 93 (4), 2100567, 2022
A journey towards improving tuyere life
R Chatterjee, S Nag, S Kundu, U Ghosh, Padmapal, U Singh
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 74, 1077-1088, 2021
Thermodynamic analysis of a solid nuclear fuel element surrounded by flow of coolant through a concentric annular channel
A Poddar, R Chatterjee, A Chakravarty, K Ghosh, A Mukhopadhyay, ...
Progress in Nuclear Energy 85, 178-191, 2015
A Thermo-gravimetric Approach for Quantification of Carbon Sources from Coal-char and Coke Mixture of Interests
R Chatterjee, C Sivananda, M Sahoo, D Behera, S Nag, P Pal
ISIJ International 63 (6), 1011-1016, 2023
Individual and combined effect of operating and geometric parameters on combustion behaviour of low and high volatile coals
R Chatterjee, K Ali, S Nag, D Patnaik, B Kr. Singh, P Pal
Ironmaking & Steelmaking 50 (4), 418-428, 2023
Entropy Generation Analysis of a Nuclear Fuel Element Surrounded by a Flow of Coolant Through an Annular Channel
R Chatterjee, A Poddar, K Ghosh, A Mukhopadhyay, S Sen
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power–Contemporary Research: Proceedings of the …, 2017
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Articles 1–10