Robert F Holub
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The effect of stress on radon emanation from rock
RF Holub, BT Brady
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 86 (B3), 1776-1784, 1981
Surfactant selection for optimizing surfactant-enhanced subsurface remediation
BJ Shiau, JD Rouse, DA Sabatini, JH Harwell
TEM study of geogas-transported nanoparticles from the Fankou lead–zinc deposit, Guangdong Province, South China
X Wei, J Cao, RF Holub, PK Hopke, S Zhao
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 128, 124-135, 2013
Aerosol wall deposition in enclosures investigated by means of a stagnant layer
M Beneš, RF Holub
Environment International 22, 883-889, 1996
Measuring polonium-218 diffusion-coefficient spectra using multiple wire screens
RF Holub, EO Knutson
Deposition of aerosols and unattached radon daughters in different chambers; theory and experiment
RF Holub, F Raes, R Van Dingenen, H Vanmarcke
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 24 (1-4), 217-220, 1988
The discovery of the metallic particles of groundwater from the Dongshengmiao polymetallic deposit, Inner Mongolia, and their prospecting significance
Y Li, J Cao, PK Hopke, RF Holub, T Jiang
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 161, 49-61, 2016
Deposition patterns of molecular phase radon progeny 218Po in lung bifurcations
AA Kinsara, SK Loyalka, RV Tompson, WH Miller, RF Holub
Health physics 68 (3), 371-382, 1995
Tests of the graded wire screen technique for measuring the amount and size distribution of unattached radon progeny
RF Holub, EO Knutson, SB Solomon
Radiation protection dosimetry 24 (1-4), 265-268, 1988
Nanometer and ultrafine aerosols from radon radiolysis
M Ramamurthi, R Strydom, PK Hopke, RF Holub
Journal of aerosol science 24 (3), 393-407, 1993
The measurement of activity-weighted size distributions of radon progeny: methods and laboratory intercomparison studies
PK Hopke, R Strydom, M Ramamurthi, EO Knutson, KW Tu, P Scofield, ...
Health physics 63 (5), 560-570, 1992
Intercomparison of activity size distribution of thoron progeny and a mixture of radon and thoron progeny
YS Cheng, TR Chen, HC Yeh, J Bigu, R Holub, K Tu, EO Knutsond, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 51 (1), 59-78, 2000
Radon-222 and 222Rn progeny concentrations measured in an energy-efficient house equipped with a heat exchanger
RF Holub, RF Droullard, TB Borak, WC Inkret, JG Morse, JF Baxt
Health physics 49 (2), 267-277, 1985
The reduction of airborne radon daughter concentration by plateout on an air mixing fan
RF Holub, RF Droullard, WL Ho, PK Hopke, R Parsley, JJ Stukel
Health Physics 36 (4), 497-504, 1979
Continuous Working-Level Measurements Using Alpha or Beta Detectors
RF Droullard, RF Holub
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1977
Study of Carbon‐Bearing Particles in Ascending Geogas Flows in the D ongshengmiao Polymetallic Pyrite Deposit, Inner M ongolia, C hina
G Hu, J Cao, PK Hopke, RF Holub
Resource Geology 65 (1), 13-26, 2015
Turbulent plateout of radon daughters
RF Holub
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 7 (1-4), 155-158, 1984
Radiation hazard test facilities at the Denver Research Center
RF Droullard
US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1984
Is diffusion or forced flow the main mechanism of radon infiltration into underground openings? A theoretical study
RF Holub, LK Killoran
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 56 (1-4), 161-165, 1994
Characteristics and geological significance of particles on fractures from the Dongshengmiao polymetallic pyrite deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
G Hu, JJ Cao, PX Lai, PK Hopke, RF Holub, JN Zeng, ZH Wang, ZQ Wu
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 15 (4), 373-381, 2015
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