Jan Whittington
Jan Whittington
Professor of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington
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Cited by
Free: Accounting for the costs of the internet's most popular price
CJ Hoofnagle, J Whittington
UCLA L. Rev. 61, 606, 2014
Unpacking Privacy's Price
J Whittington, CJ Hoofnagle
North Carolina Law Review 90 (5), 1327-1370, 2012
When to partner for public infrastructure? Transaction cost evaluation of design-build delivery
J Whittington
Journal of the American Planning Association 78 (3), 269-285, 2012
Beyond open vs. closed: Balancing individual privacy and public accountability in data sharing
M Young, L Rodriguez, E Keller, F Sun, B Sa, J Whittington, B Howe
Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency …, 2019
Transaction cost analysis of in-clinic versus telehealth consultations for chronic pain: preliminary evidence for rapid and affordable access to interdisciplinary collaborative …
BR Theodore, J Whittington, C Towle, DJ Tauben, B Endicott-Popovsky, ...
Pain Medicine 16 (6), 1045-1056, 2015
Push, Pull, and Spill: A Transdisciplinary Case Study in Municipal Open Government
J Whittington, R Calo, M Simon, J Woo, M Young, P Schmiedeskamp
Berkeley Tech. LJ 30, 1899, 2015
Making room for the future: Rebuilding California's infrastructure
DE Dowall, J Whittington
Public Policy Instit. of CA, 2003
Urban robotics: Achieving autonomy in design and regulation of robots and cities
J Woo, J Whittington, R Arkin
Connecticut Law Review 52 (1), 319-410, 2020
The state of cities climate finance
P Negreiros, V Furio, A Falconer, M Richmond, K Yang, B Tonkonogy, ...
Climate Policy Initiative, 2021
Structural equation modeling for the determinants of international infrastructure investment: Evidence from Chinese contractors
Y Wang, HW Lee, W Tang, J Whittington, M Qiang
Journal of Management in Engineering 37 (4), 04021033, 2021
Transaction-cost economic analysis of institutional change toward design-build contracts for public transportation
J Whittington, DE Dowall
Building California's Future
M Neuman, J Whittington
Public Policy Institute of California, 2000
Climate-informed decisions: the capital investment plan as a mechanism for lowering carbon emissions
J Whittington, C Lynch
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 34, 2015
Resilience through transaction cost economic evaluation: Recognizing the cost-effectiveness of sustainable development
J Whittington, S Young
SAPI EN. S. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society, 2013
Threats to municipal information systems posed by aging infrastructure
G Armbruster, B Endicott-Popovsky, J Whittington
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 6 (3-4), 123-131, 2013
Remembering the Public in the Race to Become Smart Cities
J Whittington
UMKC L. Rev. 85, 925, 2016
Political and economic implications of authoritarian control of the internet
D Arnaudo, A Alva, P Wood, J Whittington
Critical Infrastructure Protection VII: 7th IFIP WG 11.10 International …, 2013
The State of Cities Climate Finance: Part 2. The Enabling Conditions for Mobilizing Urban Climate Finance
W Bank …, 2021
Are we prepared for the economic risk resulting from telecom hotel disruptions?
G Armbruster, B Endicott-Popovsky, J Whittington
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 5 (2), 55-65, 2012
Part I: Introduction
J Woo, J Whittington, R Arkin
Science, 2017
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Articles 1–20