Andre Bottaro
Andre Bottaro
Research Program Director, Orange
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SStreaMWare: a service oriented middleware for heterogeneous sensor data management
L Gurgen, C Roncancio, C Labbé, A Bottaro, V Olive
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Pervasive services, 121-130, 2008
Pervasive service composition in the home network
A Bottaro, A Gérodolle, P Lalanda
21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2007
Method of Automatically Managing Associations Between Services in a Distributed Environment
A Bottaro, A Gerodolle, V Olive
US Patent App. 12/089,909, 2008
Context-aware service composition in a home control gateway
A Bottaro, J Bourcier, C Escoffier, P Lalanda
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, 223-231, 2007
Home SOA- facing protocol heterogeneity in pervasive applications
A Bottaro, A Gérodolle
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Pervasive services, 73-80, 2008
Dynamic web services on a home service platform
A Bottaro, E Simon, S Seyvoz, A Gérodolle
22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2008
Dynamic contextual service ranking
A Bottaro, RS Hall
International Conference on Software Composition, 129-143, 2007
Pervasive spontaneous composition
A Bottaro, A Gérodolle, P Lalanda
First IEEE International Workshop on Service Integration in Pervasive …, 2006
A multi-protocol service-oriented platform for home control applications
A Bottaro, J Bourcier, C Escoffier, D Donsez, P Lalanda
Demonstration at IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference …, 2007
OSGi ME-an OSGi profile for embedded devices
A Bottaro, F Rivard
Eclipse Summit, Germany, 2009
Extended service binder: Dynamic service availability management in ambient intelligence
A Bottaro, A Gérodolle
Special Issue FRCSS’06: Future Research Challenges for Software and Services …, 2006
Adaptive monitoring of end-user osgi-based home boxes
Y Maurel, A Bottaro, R Kopetz, K Attouchi
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Component Based Software …, 2012
Context management and semantic modelling for ambient intelligence
F Ramparany, J Euzenat, T Broens, A Bottaro, R Poortinga
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), 2006
Multilevel and holonic model for dynamic holarchy management: Application to large-scale road traffic
I Tchappi, Y Mualla, S Galland, A Bottaro, VC Kamla, JC Kamgang
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 109, 104622, 2022
Transparently adding security properties to service orchestration
S Chollet, P Lalanda, A Bottaro
22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2008
fanfare: Autonomic framework for service-based pervasive environment
Y Maurel, S Chollet, V Lestideau, J Bardin, P Lalanda, A Bottaro
2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Services Computing, 65-72, 2012
Combining OSGi technology and Web Services to realize the plug-n-play dream in the home network
A Bottaro, A Gérodolle, S Marié
OSGi Community Event, Munich, Germany, 2007
RFP 86-DPWS Discovery Base Driver
A Bottaro, A Gérodolle, S Marié, S Seyvoz, E Simon
OSGi Alliance, 2007
Memory monitoring in a multi-tenant osgi execution environment
K Attouchi, G Thomas, A Bottaro, G Muller
Proceedings of the 17th international ACM Sigsoft symposium on Component …, 2014
Extension de passerelles OSGi pour les domaines de la distribution électrique: Modèles et outils
F Baude, A Bottaro, JM Brun, A Chazalet, A Constancin, D Donsez, ...
Atelier de travail OSGi 2006, 2006
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Articles 1–20