GL Austin
GL Austin
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The use of digital weather radar records for short‐term precipitation forecasting
GL Austin, A Bellon
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 100 (426), 658-664, 1974
High resolution rainfall measurements by radar for very small basins: the sampling problem reexamined
F Fabry, A Bellon, MR Duncan, GL Austin
Journal of Hydrology 161 (1-4), 415-428, 1994
The delineation of rain areas from visible and IR satellite data for GATE and mid‐latitudes
S Lovejoy, GL Austin
Atmosphere-ocean 17 (1), 77-92, 1979
The evaluation of two years of real-time operation of a short-term precipitation forecasting procedure (SHARP)
A Bellon, GL Austin
Journal of Applied Meteorology (1962-1982), 1778-1787, 1978
The accuracy of rainfall estimates by radar as a function of range
F Fabry, GL Austin, D Tees
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 118 (505), 435-453, 1992
Combining satellite and radar data for the short-range forecasting of precipitation
A Bellon, S Lovejoy, GL Austin
Monthly Weather Review 108 (10), 1554-1566, 1980
An evaluation of extrapolation techniques for the short‐term prediction of rain amounts
AA Tsonis, GL Austin
Atmosphere-Ocean 19 (1), 54-65, 1981
The New Zealand southern alps experiment
DS Wratt, RN Ridley, MR Sinclair, H Larsen, SM Thompson, R Henderson, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 77 (4), 683-692, 1996
The effect of gauge sampling density on the accuracy of streamflow prediction for rural catchments
MR Duncan, B Austin, F Fabry, GL Austin
Journal of Hydrology 142 (1-4), 445-476, 1993
The accuracy of short-term radar rainfall forecasts
A Bellon, GL Austin
Journal of hydrology 70 (1-4), 35-49, 1984
Targeting pathogenic Lafora bodies in Lafora disease using an antibody-enzyme fusion
MK Brewer, A Uittenbogaard, GL Austin, DM Segvich, A DePaoli-Roach, ...
Cell metabolism 30 (4), 689-705. e6, 2019
On the modelling of warm orographic rain by the seeder‐feeder mechanism
AJ Robichaud, GL Austin
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 114 (482), 967-988, 1988
Discrete angle radiative transfer: 3. Numerical results and meteorological applications
A Davis, P Gabriel, S Lovejoy, D Schertzer, GL Austin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 95 (D8), 11729-11742, 1990
Multifractal analysis of resolution dependence in satellite imagery
P Gabriel, S Lovejoy, D Schertzer, GL Austin
Geophysical research letters 15 (12), 1373-1376, 1988
Variability of summer Florida rainfall and its significance for the estimation of rainfall by gages, radar, and satellite
A Seed, GL Austin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 95 (D3), 2207-2215, 1990
Nowcasting precipitation—A proposal for a way forward
KT Smith, GL Austin
Journal of Hydrology 239 (1-4), 34-45, 2000
Very-short-range forecasting of precipitation by the objective extrapolation of radar and satellite data
GL Austin, A Bellon
Nowcasting, 177-190, 1982
The sources of error in rain amount estimating schemes from GOES visible and IR satellite data
S Lovejoy, GL Austin
Monthly weather review 107 (8), 1048-1054, 1979
Discrete angle radiative transfer: 1. Scaling and similarity, universality and diffusion
S Lovejoy, A Davis, P Gabriel, D Schertzer, GL Austin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 95 (D8), 11699-11715, 1990
Factors affecting multiscaling analysis of rainfall time series
D Harris, A Seed, M Menabde, G Austin
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 4 (3), 137-156, 1997
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