International Series in Operations Research & Management Science FS Hillier, CC Price Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2001 | 5461 | 2001 |
A proof for the queuing formula: L= λ W JDC Little Operations research 9 (3), 383-387, 1961 | 4315 | 1961 |
A logit model of brand choice calibrated on scanner data PM Guadagni, JDC Little Marketing science 2 (3), 203-238, 1983 | 3064 | 1983 |
An algorithm for the traveling salesman problem JDC Little, KG Murty, DW Sweeney, C Karel Operations research 11 (6), 972-989, 1963 | 1916 | 1963 |
Models and managers: The concept of a decision calculus JDC Little Management science 16 (8), B-466-B-485, 1970 | 1884 | 1970 |
An empirical analysis of latitude of price acceptance in consumer package goods G Kalyanaram, JDC Little Journal of consumer research, 408-418, 1994 | 761 | 1994 |
Aggregate advertising models: The state of the art JDC Little Operations research 27 (4), 629-667, 1979 | 713 | 1979 |
MAXBAND: A versatile program for setting signals on arteries and triangular networks JDC Little, MD Kelson, NH Gartner Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981 | 696 | 1981 |
The synchronization of traffic signals by mixed-integer linear programming JDC Little Operations Research 14 (4), 568-594, 1966 | 536 | 1966 |
Little's law JDC Little, SC Graves Building intuition: insights from basic operations management models and …, 2008 | 494 | 2008 |
Decision support systems for marketing managers JDC Little Journal of marketing 43 (3), 9-26, 1979 | 485 | 1979 |
BRANDAID: A marketing-mix model, part 1: Structure JDC Little Operations Research 23 (4), 628-655, 1975 | 444* | 1975 |
A market share theorem DE Bell, RL Keeney, JDC Little Journal of Marketing Research 12 (2), 136-141, 1975 | 416 | 1975 |
Spheroidal wave functions JA Stratton, PM Morse, LJ Chu, JDC Little, FJ Corbato Spheroidal Wave Functions, 628, 1959 | 388 | 1959 |
Synchronizing traffic signals for maximal bandwidth JT Morgan, JDC Little Operations Research 12 (6), 896-912, 1964 | 368 | 1964 |
A media planning calculus JDC Little, LM Lodish Operations Research 17 (1), 1-35, 1969 | 359 | 1969 |
The use of storage water in a hydroelectric system JDC Little Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 3 (2), 187-197, 1955 | 353 | 1955 |
Marketing in the Information Revolution RC Blattberg The Marketing Information Revolution/Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1994 | 345 | 1994 |
OR FORUM—Little's Law as viewed on its 50th anniversary JDC Little Operations research 59 (3), 536-549, 2011 | 309 | 2011 |
Choice and the Internet: From clickstream to research stream RE Bucklin, JM Lattin, A Ansari, S Gupta, D Bell, E Coupey, JDC Little, ... Marketing letters 13, 245-258, 2002 | 264 | 2002 |