Francesco Arboit
Francesco Arboit
Research fellow, Khalifa University
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Cited by
Dating the onset of motion on the Sagaing fault: Evidence from detrital zircon and titanite U-Pb geochronology from the North Minwun Basin, Myanmar
CK Morley, F Arboit
Geology 47 (6), 581-585, 2019
Detrital zircon analysis of the southwest Indochina terrane, central Thailand: Unravelling the Indosinian orogeny
F Arboit, AS Collins, CK Morley, R King, K Amrouch
Bulletin 128 (5-6), 1024-1043, 2016
Determination of the tectonic evolution from fractures, faults, and calcite twins on the southwestern margin of the Indochina Block
F Arboit, K Amrouch, AS Collins, R King, C Morley
Tectonics 34 (8), 1576-1599, 2015
Geochronological and geochemical studies of mafic and intermediate dykes from the Khao Khwang Fold–Thrust Belt: Implications for petrogenesis and tectonic evolution
F Arboit, AS Collins, CK Morley, F Jourdan, R King, J Foden, K Amrouch
Gondwana Research 36, 124-141, 2016
The geodynamic evolution of the Italian South Alpine basement from the Ediacaran to the Carboniferous: was the South Alpine terrane part of the peri-Gondwana arc-forming terranes?
F Arboit, D Chew, D Visoná, M Massironi, F Sciascia, G Benedetti, ...
Gondwana Research 65, 17-30, 2019
Structure of the Sibumasu–Indochina collision, central Thailand: A section through the Khao Khwang Fold and thrust belt
F Arboit, AS Collins, R King, CK Morley, R Hansberry
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 95, 182-191, 2014
Constraining the links between the Himalayan belt and the Central Myanmar Basins during the Cenozoic: An integrated multi-proxy detrital geochronology and trace-element …
F Arboit, M Min, D Chew, A Mitchell, K Drost, E Badenszki, JS Daly
Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2), 657-676, 2021
Palaeostress magnitudes in the Khao Khwang fold-thrust belt, new insights into the tectonic evolution of the Indosinian orogeny in central Thailand
F Arboit, K Amrouch, C Morley, AS Collins, R King
Tectonophysics 710, 266-276, 2017
Stratigraphy of deformed Permian carbonate reefs in Saraburi Province, Thailand
REC Dew, R King, AS Collins, CK Morley, F Arboit, S Glorie
Journal of the Geological Society 175 (1), 163-175, 2018
Lost in the wind: An integrated approach for the recognition of mixed clastic–carbonate continental aeolianites
F Arboit, T Steuber, K Mohamad, M Alsuwaidi, A Ceriani
Sedimentology 69 (5), 2203-2227, 2022
The tectonic setting of the late Ediacaran eastern Arabian basement (ca. 550 Ma): New geochronological and geochemical constraints from the basements of Oman and the United …
F Arboit, A Ceriani, A Collins, D Hennhoefer, S Pilia, A Decarlis
Gondwana Research 130, 203-219, 2024
Dating the onset of motion on the Sagaing fault: Evidence from detrital zircon and titanite U-Pb geochronology
CK Morley, F Arboit
The influence of tectonic activity on clathrate destabilisation: Microthermometry and Raman insights from seep carbonates in the Alps‐Apennines tectonic knot
A Ceriani, F Arboit, A Di Giulio, A Decarlis, T Steuber, C Amadori, ...
Basin Research 34 (2), 555-569, 2022
Permian thermally-induced shear of the Cossato-Mergozzo-Brissago shear zone in the W-Southalpine basement, Italy: new petrological, geochemical and U–Pb geochronological …
F Arboit, A Decarlis, S Ferrando, A Maffeis, S De Bernardi, A Ceriani
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 1-21, 2024
Stratigraphic and tectonic setting of the Rus Formation at Jebel Hafeet, UAE.
A Decarlis, D Hennhöfer, F Arboit, A Ceriani
EGU24, 2024
The influence of Cenozoic Eurasia-Arabia convergence on the Southeast Arabian Foreland Basin: new geochronological and geochemical constraints from syn-kinematic carbonate …
F Arboit, K Drost, A Decarlis, D Chew, D Hennhoefer, A Ceriani
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4387, 2023
The geodynamic evolution of the Italian Southalpine Basement from the Late Neoproterozoic to the Carboniferous
F Arboit, M Massironi, D Visoná, B Gianluca, S Rodani, F Sciascia, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17076, 2018
The tectonic evolution of Khao Khwang Fold-Thrust Belt, 4 Central Thailand: new insights in the Permian and Triassic 5 evolution of the Indosinian orogeny in SE Asia
F Arboit
Relationship between Structure and Stress Field-A Key for Successful HC Exploration in the Northern Zagros Thrust Belt
F Arboit, R Di Cuia, A Riva, R Bitonte
74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating EUROPEC 2012, cp-293-00101, 2012
Structural Interpretation of The Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt (Northern Iraq)
R Di Cuia, F Arboit, A Riva
First EAGE Workshop on Iraq-Hydrocarbon Exploration and Field Development …, 2012
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Articles 1–20