Max W. Schmidt
Max W. Schmidt
professor for experimental petrology
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Amphibole composition in tonalite as a function of pressure: an experimental calibration of the Al-in-hornblende barometer
MW Schmidt
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 110 (2-3), 304-310, 1992
Experimentally based water budgets for dehydrating slabs and consequences for arc magma generation
MW Schmidt, S Poli
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 163 (1), 361-379, 1998
Trace element signature of subduction-zone fluids, melts and supercritical liquids at 120–180 km depth
R Kessel, MW Schmidt, P Ulmer, T Pettke
Nature 437 (7059), 724-727, 2005
Petrology of subducted slabs
S Poli, MW Schmidt
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 30 (1), 207-235, 2002
Redox freezing and melting in the Earth/'s deep mantle resulting from carbon-iron redox coupling
A Rohrbach, MW Schmidt
Nature 472 (7342), 209-212, 2011
Melting and dissolution of subducting crust at high pressures: the key role of white mica
MW Schmidt, D Vielzeuf, E Auzanneau
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228 (1), 65-84, 2004
H2O transport and release in subduction zones: experimental constraints on basaltic and andesitic systems
S Poli, MW Schmidt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100 (B11), 22299-22314, 1995
Melting relations in hydrous systems revisited: application to metapelites, metagreywackes and metabasalts
D Vielzeuf, MW Schmidt
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 141 (3), 251-267, 2001
The water–basalt system at 4 to 6 GPa: phase relations and second critical endpoint in a K-free eclogite at 700 to 1400 C
R Kessel, P Ulmer, T Pettke, MW Schmidt, AB Thompson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237 (3), 873-892, 2005
4.19. Devolatilization during subduction
MW Schmidt, S Poli
The Crust, Treatise on Geochemistry (eds. HD Holland and KK Turekian, Second …, 2014
Experimental determination of trace element partitioning between garnet and silica‐rich liquid during anhydrous partial melting of MORB‐like eclogite
M Pertermann, MM Hirschmann, K Hametner, D Günther, MW Schmidt
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 5 (5), 2004
Experimental evidence of decompression melting during exhumation of subducted continental crust
E Auzanneau, D Vielzeuf, MW Schmidt
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 152 (2), 125-148, 2006
The dependence of Nb and Ta rutile–melt partitioning on melt composition and Nb/Ta fractionation during subduction processes
MW Schmidt, A Dardon, G Chazot, R Vannucci
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 226 (3), 415-432, 2004
The melting of carbonated pelites from 70 to 700 km depth
D Grassi, MW Schmidt
Journal of Petrology 52 (4), 765-789, 2011
Melting of carbonated pelites at 2.5–5.0 GPa, silicate–carbonatite liquid immiscibility, and potassium–carbon metasomatism of the mantle
TB Thomsen, MW Schmidt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 267 (1), 17-31, 2008
Epidote in calc-alkaline magmas: An experimental study of stability, phase relationships, and the role of epidote in magmatic evolution
MW Schmidt, AB Thompson
American Mineralogist 81 (3-4), 462-474, 1996
The formation and bulk composition of modern juvenile continental crust: the Kohistan arc
O Jagoutz, MW Schmidt
Chemical Geology 298, 79-96, 2012
Generation of mobile components during subduction of oceanic crust
MW Schmidt, S Poli
Treatise on geochemistry 3, 659, 2003
Titanium in phengite: a geobarometer for high temperature eclogites
E Auzanneau, MW Schmidt, D Vielzeuf, JAD Connolly
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 159 (1), 1-24, 2010
Magmatic epidote
MW Schmidt, S Poli
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 56 (1), 399-430, 2004
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Articles 1–20