Jason Dunham
Jason Dunham
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Cited by
Flow regime, temperature, and biotic interactions drive differential declines of trout species under climate change
SJ Wenger, DJ Isaak, CH Luce, HM Neville, KD Fausch, JB Dunham, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (34), 14175-14180, 2011
Metapopulation structure of bull trout: influences of physical, biotic, and geometrical landscape characteristics
JB Dunham, BE Rieman
Ecological Applications 9 (2), 642-655, 1999
Defining ecological drought for the twenty-first century
SD Crausbay, AR Ramirez, SL Carter, MS Cross, KR Hall, DJ Bathke, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (12), 2543-2550, 2017
Metapopulations and salmonids: a synthesis of life history patterns and empirical observations
BE Rieman, JB Dunham
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 9 (1‐2), 51-64, 2000
Invasion versus isolation: trade‐offs in managing native salmonids with barriers to upstream movement
KD Fausch, BE Rieman, JB Dunham, MK Young, DP Peterson
Conservation Biology 23 (4), 859-870, 2009
Behavioral flexibility as a mechanism for coping with climate change
EA Beever, LE Hall, J Varner, AE Loosen, JB Dunham, MK Gahl, FA Smith, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (6), 299-308, 2017
The NorWeST summer stream temperature model and scenarios for the western US: A crowd‐sourced database and new geospatial tools foster a user community and predict broad …
DJ Isaak, SJ Wenger, EE Peterson, JM Ver Hoef, DE Nagel, CH Luce, ...
Water Resources Research 53 (11), 9181-9205, 2017
Climate vulnerability assessment for Pacific salmon and steelhead in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
LG Crozier, MM McClure, T Beechie, SJ Bograd, DA Boughton, M Carr, ...
PloS one 14 (7), e0217711, 2019
Alien invasions in aquatic ecosystems: toward an understanding of brook trout invasions and potential impacts on inland cutthroat trout in western North America
JB Dunham, SB Adams, RE Schroeter, DC Novinger
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 12, 373-391, 2002
Effects of fire on fish populations: landscape perspectives on persistence of native fishes and nonnative fish invasions
JB Dunham, MK Young, RE Gresswell, BE Rieman
Forest Ecology and Management 178 (1-2), 183-196, 2003
Landscape attributes and life history variability shape genetic structure of trout populations in a stream network
HM Neville, JB Dunham, MM Peacock
Landscape Ecology 21, 901-916, 2006
Influences of wildfire and channel reorganization on spatial and temporal variation in stream temperature and the distribution of fish and amphibians
JB Dunham, AE Rosenberger, CH Luce, BE Rieman
Ecosystems 10 (2), 335-346, 2007
Sources and magnitude of sampling error in redd counts for bull trout
J Dunham, B Rieman, K Davis
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21 (2), 343-352, 2001
Influences of temperature and environmental variables on the distribution of bull trout within streams at the southern margin of its range
J Dunham, B Rieman, G Chandler
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23 (3), 894-904, 2003
Habitat fragmentation and extinction risk of Lahontan cutthroat trout
JB Dunham, GL Vinyard, BE Rieman
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17 (4), 1126-1133, 1997
Validation of abundance estimates from mark–recapture and removal techniques for rainbow trout captured by electrofishing in small streams
AE Rosenberger, JB Dunham
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25 (4), 1395-1410, 2005
Can air temperature be used to project influences of climate change on stream temperature?
I Arismendi, M Safeeq, JB Dunham, SL Johnson
Environmental Research Letters 9 (8), 084015, 2014
Culture of Florida red tilapia in marine cages: the effect of stocking density and dietary protein on growth
WO Watanabe, JH Clark, JB Dunham, RI Wicklund, BL Olla
Aquaculture 90 (2), 123-134, 1990
Assessing the consequences of nonnative trout in headwater ecosystems in western North America
JB Dunham, DS Pilliod, MK Young
Fisheries 29 (6), 18-26, 2004
The paradox of cooling streams in a warming world: Regional climate trends do not parallel variable local trends in stream temperature in the Pacific continental United States
I Arismendi, SL Johnson, JB Dunham, R Haggerty, D Hockman‐Wert
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (10), 2012
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Articles 1–20