Bernhard Müller
Bernhard Müller
Professor of CFD at NTNU
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Experimental study of instability modes in a three-dimensional boundary layer
B Müller, H Bippes
In AGARD, 1989
Low-Mach-number asymptotics of the Navier-Stokes equations
B Müller
Floating, Flowing, Flying: Pieter J. Zandbergen’s Life as Innovator …, 1998
Correction of conservative Euler solvers for gas mixtures
P Jenny, B Müller, H Thomann
Journal of Computational Physics 132 (1), 91-107, 1997
On the cancellation problem in calculating compressible low Mach number flows
J Sesterhenn, B Müller, H Thomann
Journal of Computational Physics 151 (2), 597-615, 1999
A curved no-slip boundary condition for the lattice Boltzmann method
JCG Verschaeve, B Müller
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (19), 6781-6803, 2010
High order numerical simulation of aeolian tones
B Müller
Computers & Fluids 37 (4), 450-462, 2008
Low Mach number asymptotics of the Navier-Stokes equations and numerical implications
B Müller
Lecture series-van Kareman Institute for fluid dynamics 3, E1-E51, 1999
Rankine–Hugoniot–Riemann solver considering source terms and multidimensional effects
P Jenny, B Müller
Journal of Computational Physics 145 (2), 575-610, 1998
Simple improvements of an upwind TVD scheme for hypersonic flow
B Müller
9th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1977, 1989
Transient flow in natural gas pipelines using implicit finite difference schemes
JF Helgaker, B Müller, T Ytrehus
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 136 (3), 031701, 2014
Immersed boundary method for viscous compressible flows around moving bodies
ME Khalili, M Larsson, B Müller
Computers & Fluids 170, 77-92, 2018
Flux-vector splitting for compressible low Mach number flow
J Sesterhenn, B Müller, H Thomann
Computers & fluids 22 (4-5), 441-451, 1993
Numerical simulation of confined pulsating jets in human phonation
M Larsson, B Müller
Computers & Fluids 38 (7), 1375-1383, 2009
Large-scale viscous simulation of laminar vortex flow over a delta wing
A Rizzi, B Muller
AIAA journal 27 (7), 833-840, 1989
High‐order ghost‐point immersed boundary method for viscous compressible flows based on summation‐by‐parts operators
ME Khalili, M Larsson, B Müller
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 89 (7), 256-282, 2019
Convergence acceleration for computing steady-state compressible flow at low Mach numbers
P Jenny, B Müller
Computers & Fluids 28 (8), 951-972, 1999
Navier–Stokes computation of transonic vortices over a round leading edge delta wing
B Müller, A Rizzi
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 9 (8), 943-962, 1989
Interaction between a simplified soft palate and compressible viscous flow
M Khalili, M Larsson, B Müller
Journal of Fluids and Structures 67, 85-105, 2016
Comparison of Euler and Navier-Stokes solutions for vortex flow over a delta wing
A Rizzi, B Müller
The Aeronautical Journal 92 (914), 145-153, 1988
The nodal discrete ordinates method and its application to LWR lattice problems
MR Wagner, B Muller
Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics and Shielding 1, 376, 1984
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Artículos 1–20