Aymeric Le Gratiet
Aymeric Le Gratiet
Interdisciplinary Institute of Neurosciences
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Scanning Mueller polarimetric microscopy
A Le Gratiet, M Dubreuil, S Rivet, Y Le Grand
Optics Letters 41 (18), 4336-4339, 2016
Roadmap on Label‐Free Super‐Resolution Imaging
VN Astratov, YB Sahel, YC Eldar, L Huang, A Ozcan, N Zheludev, J Zhao, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 17 (12), 2200029, 2023
Zebrafish structural development in Mueller-matrix scanning microscopy
A Le Gratiet, M d’Amora, M Duocastella, R Marongiu, A Bendandi, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 19974, 2019
Review on Complete Mueller Matrix Optical Scanning Microscopy Imaging
A Le Gratiet, A Mohebi, F Callegari, P Bianchini, A Diaspro
Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1632, 2021
100 kHz Mueller polarimeter in reflection configuration
A Le Gratiet, S Rivet, M Dubreuil, Y Le Grand
Optics Letters 40 (4), 645-648, 2015
Circular intensity differential scattering (CIDS) scanning microscopy to image chromatin-DNA nuclear organization
A Le Gratiet, L Pesce, M Oneto, R Marongiu, G Zanini, P Bianchini, ...
OSA Continuum 1 (3), 1068-1078, 2018
ExCIDS: a combined approach coupling Expansion Microscopy (ExM) and Circular Intensity Differential Scattering (CIDS) for chromatin-DNA imaging
R Marongiu, A Le Gratiet, L Pesce, P Bianchini, A Diaspro
OSA Continuum 3 (7), 1770-1780, 2020
Circular Intensity Differential Scattering for Label-Free Chromatin Characterization: A Review for Optical Microscopy
A Le Gratiet, R Marongiu, A Diaspro
Polymers 12 (10), 2428, 2020
Factorization of the coherency matrix of polarization optics
CJR Sheppard, A Le Gratiet, A Diaspro
JOSA A 35 (4), 586-590, 2018
Eigenvectors of polarization coherency matrices
CJR Sheppard, A Bendandi, A Le Gratiet, A Diaspro
JOSA A 37 (7), 1143-1154, 2020
Coherency and differential Mueller matrices for polarizing media
CJR Sheppard, A Bendandi, A Le Gratiet, A Diaspro
JOSA A 35 (12), 2058-2069, 2018
Eigenvalues of the coherency matrix for exact backscattering
CJR Sheppard, A Bendandi, A Le Gratiet, A Diaspro
JOSA A 36 (9), 1540-1550, 2019
Characterization of the mueller matrix: Purity space and reflectance imaging
CJR Sheppard, A Bendandi, A Le Gratiet, A Diaspro
Photonics 9 (2), 88, 2022
Purity of 3D polarization
CJR Sheppard, A Bendandi, A Le Gratiet, A Diaspro
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 39 (1), 6-16, 2021
Polarimetric optical scanning microscopy of zebrafish embryonic development using the coherency matrix
A Le Gratiet, A Bendandi, CJR Sheppard, A Diaspro
Journal of Biophotonics, 2021
LIQUITOPY®: A liquid tunable microscope to study chromatin organization in the cell nucleus
A Diaspro, N Anthony, P Bianchini, I Cainero, M Di Bona, L Lanzanò, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (S1), 1368-1369, 2018
Computational modeling of chromatin fiber to characterize its organization using angle-resolved scattering of circularly polarized light
MW Ashraf, A Le Gratiet, A Diaspro
Polymers 13 (19), 3422, 2021
Phasor approach of Mueller matrix optical scanning microscopy for biological tissue imaging
A Le Gratiet, L Lanzano, A Bendandi, R Marongiu, P Bianchini, ...
Biophysical Journal 120 (15), 3112-3125, 2021
A table of some coherency matrices, coherency matrix factors (CMFs), and their respective Mueller matrices
CJR Sheppard, AL Gratiet, A Diaspro
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.09250, 2017
Combined approach using circular intensity differential scattering microscopy under phasor map data analysis
A Mohebi, A Le Gratiet, R Marongiu, F Callegari, P Bianchini, A Diaspro
Applied Optics 60 (6), 1558-1565, 2021
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Articles 1–20