Vimal Kishor
Vimal Kishor
Research Engineer @ UL Solutions
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Experimental and numerical study on the onset of natural convection in a cavity open at the top
A Saxena, V Kishor, S Singh, A Srivastava
Physics of Fluids 30 (5), 2018
Investigation of convective heat transfer phenomena in differentially-heated vertical closed cavity: Whole field experiments and numerical simulations
V Kishor, S Singh, A Srivastava
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 99, 71-84, 2018
Whole field measurements to identify the critical Rayleigh number for the onset of natural convection in top open cavity
A Saxena, V Kishor, A Srivastava, S Singh
Experimental Heat Transfer 33 (2), 123-140, 2020
Flow instabilities and heat transfer in a differentially heated cavity placed at varying inclination angles: Non-intrusive measurements
V Kishor, S Singh, A Srivastava
Physics of Fluids 33 (9), 2021
On the identification of flow instabilities in a differentially-heated closed cavity: Non-intrusive measurements
V Kishor, S Singh, A Srivastava
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 147, 118933, 2020
Non-intrusive experimental study of natural convection in open square cavity at different inclinations
V Kishor, R Kumar, S Singh, A Srivastava
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing 27 (3), 333-357, 2020
Simultaneous mapping of buoyancy-induced flow and temperature fields using thermographic PIV
V Kishor, A Belekar, A Srivastava, S Singh
Experimental Heat Transfer 36 (7), 1078-1098, 2023
Simultaneous Mapping of Temperature and Velocity Fields Using Thermographic PIV
V Kishor, A Belekar, S Singh, A Srivastava
Proceedings of the 26thNational and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and …, 2021
Non-intrusive Experimental and Numerical Study of Natural Convection in Open Square Cavity at Different Inclinations
R Kumar, V Kishor, A Srivastava, S Singh
Proceedings of the 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid …, 2018
Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Inside a Differentially Heated Closed Rectangular Cavity Using Two Non-Invasive Techniques
V Kishor, A Srivastava, S Singh
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Transient Study of Differentially Heated Rectangular Cavity in Transition Region
V Kishor, S Singh, A Srivastava
6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid …, 2016
Non intrusive investigation of buoyancy driven flow instabilities and heat transfer in differentially heated cavities
V Kishor
Mumbai, 0
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Articles 1–12