David Wesley Craig
David Wesley Craig
Chair of Integrated Translational Sciences, City of Hope
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Cited by
Cited by
A global reference for human genetic variation
1000 Genomes Project Consortium
Nature 526 (7571), 68, 2015
A map of human genome variation from population scale sequencing
1000 Genomes Project Consortium
Nature 467 (7319), 1061, 2010
An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes
1000 Genomes Project Consortium
Nature 491 (7422), 56, 2012
Identification of risk loci with shared effects on five major psychiatric disorders: a genome-wide analysis
Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
The Lancet 381 (9875), 1371-1379, 2013
Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs
B Devlin, JR Kelsoe, P Sklar, MJ Daly, MC O'Donovan, N Craddock, ...
Nature genetics 45 (9), 984-994, 2013
Identification of novel risk loci, causal insights, and heritable risk for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies
MA Nalls, C Blauwendraat, CL Vallerga, K Heilbron, S Bandres-Ciga, ...
The Lancet Neurology 18 (12), 1091-1102, 2019
Resolving individuals contributing trace amounts of DNA to highly complex mixtures using high-density SNP genotyping microarrays
N Homer, S Szelinger, M Redman, D Duggan, W Tembe, J Muehling, ...
PLoS genetics 4 (8), e1000167, 2008
Large-scale genome-wide association analysis of bipolar disorder identifies a new susceptibility locus near ODZ4
Nature genetics 43 (10), 977-983, 2011
Genome-wide association study identifies 30 loci associated with bipolar disorder
EA Stahl, G Breen, AJ Forstner, A McQuillin, S Ripke, V Trubetskoy, ...
Nature genetics 51 (5), 793-803, 2019
Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome sequencing
RE Mills, K Walter, C Stewart, RE Handsaker, K Chen, C Alkan, A Abyzov, ...
Nature 470 (7332), 59-65, 2011
Germline mutations in HOXB13 and prostate-cancer risk
CM Ewing, AM Ray, EM Lange, KA Zuhlke, CM Robbins, WD Tembe, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 366 (2), 141-149, 2012
Detection of chromosomal alterations in the circulation of cancer patients with whole-genome sequencing
RJ Leary, M Sausen, I Kinde, N Papadopoulos, JD Carpten, D Craig, ...
Science translational medicine 4 (162), 162ra154-162ra154, 2012
Diversity of human copy number variation and multicopy genes
PH Sudmant, JO Kitzman, F Antonacci, C Alkan, M Malig, A Tsalenko, ...
Science 330 (6004), 641-646, 2010
Translating RNA sequencing into clinical diagnostics: opportunities and challenges
SA Byron, KR Van Keuren-Jensen, DM Engelthaler, JD Carpten, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 17 (5), 257-271, 2016
A high-density whole-genome association study reveals that APOE is the major susceptibility gene for sporadic late-onset Alzheimer's disease
KD Coon, AJ Myers, DW Craig, JA Webster, JV Pearson, DH Lince, ...
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 68 (4), 613, 2007
Demographic history and rare allele sharing among human populations
S Gravel, BM Henn, RN Gutenkunst, AR Indap, GT Marth, AG Clark, F Yu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (29), 11983-11988, 2011
Variation in genome-wide mutation rates within and between human families
Nature genetics 43 (7), 712-714, 2011
GAB2 alleles modify Alzheimer's risk in APOE ɛ4 carriers
EM Reiman, JA Webster, AJ Myers, J Hardy, T Dunckley, VL Zismann, ...
Neuron 54 (5), 713-720, 2007
Genomic dissection of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, including 28 subphenotypes
DM Ruderfer, S Ripke, A McQuillin, J Boocock, EA Stahl, JMW Pavlides, ...
Cell 173 (7), 1705-1715. e16, 2018
A survey of genetic human cortical gene expression
AJ Myers, JR Gibbs, JA Webster, K Rohrer, A Zhao, L Marlowe, M Kaleem, ...
Nature genetics 39 (12), 1494-1499, 2007
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Articles 1–20