Jan Vang
Jan Vang
Head of Section (Global Sustainable Production); Full Professor of Global Production and Innovation
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Cited by
Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries: Building Domestic Capabilities in a Global Setting
BA Lundvall
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011
Face-to-face, buzz, and knowledge bases: sociospatial implications for learning, innovation, and innovation policy
B Asheim, L Coenen, J Vang
Environment and planning C: Government and Policy 25 (5), 655-670, 2007
Constructing knowledge-based regional advantage: implications for regional innovation policy
B Asheim, L Coenen, J Moodysson, J Vang
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7 (2-5 …, 2007
Globalisation of knowledge production and regional innovation policy: Supporting specialized hubs in the Bangalore software industry
C Chaminade, J Vang
Research policy 37 (10), 1684-1696, 2008
Asia's innovation systems in transition
J Vang
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006
Designing innovation policies for development: towards a systemic experimentation-based approach
C Chaminade, BÅ Lundvall, J Vang, KJ Joseph
Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries, 2009
Strategic outsourcing of IT services: theoretical stocktaking and empirical challenges
V Mahnke, ML Overby, J Vang
Industry & Innovation 12 (2), 205-253, 2005
Cultural clusters, global–local linkages and spillovers: theoretical and empirical insights from an exploratory study of Toronto's film cluster
J Vang, C Chaminade
Industry and Innovation 14 (4), 401-420, 2007
Bridging innovation system research and development studies: challenges and research opportunities
BÅ Lundvall, J Vang, KJ Joseph, C Chaminade
Regions, absorptive capacity and strategic coupling with high-tech TNCs: Lessons from India and China
J Vang, B Asheim
Science, Technology and Society 11 (1), 39-66, 2006
Innovation policies for Asian SMEs: an innovation system perspective
C Chaminade, J Vang
Handbook of research on Asian business, 2006
Regional innovation system policy: A knowledge-based approach
B Asheim, L Coenen, J Moodysson, J Vang
CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning …, 2005
Upgrading in Asian clusters: Rethinking the importance of interactive learning
C Chaminade, J Vang
Science, Technology and Society 13 (1), 61-94, 2008
Regional innovation systems in developing countries: Integrating micro and meso-level capabilities
R Padilla-Perez, J Vang, C Chaminade
Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries, 2009
The Creative Class and Regional Growth-Towards a knowledge based Approach
KH Hansen, J Vang-Lauridsen, B Asheim
Regional innovation systems in Asian countries: A new way of exploiting the benefits of transnational corporations
B Asheim, J Vang
Innovation 8 (1-2), 27-44, 2006
Entrepreneurship in Western Europe: A contextual perspective
J Vang
European Planning Studies 25 (6), 1099-1100, 2017
Migrant entrepreneurship, economic activity and export performance: mapping the Danish trends
N Baklanov, S Rezaei, J Vang, LP Dana
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 23 (1-2), 63-93, 2014
Introduction: innovation in services
J Vang, C Zellner
Industry & Innovation 12 (2), 147-152, 2005
Geography and the cultural economy
M Lorenzen, AJ Scott, J Vang
Journal of Economic Geography 8 (5), 589-592, 2008
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Articles 1–20