Naveen Kumar Balla
Naveen Kumar Balla
Hamamatsu Photonics Europe
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Cited by
Label-free non-linear multimodal optical microscopy—basics, development, and applications
N Mazumder, NK Balla, GY Zhuo, YV Kistenev, R Kumar, FJ Kao, ...
Frontiers in Physics 7, 170, 2019
High-speed polarization-resolved coherent Raman scattering imaging
M Hofer, NK Balla, S Brasselet
Optica 4 (7), 795-801, 2017
Electrodeposited thin-film micro-thermoelectric coolers with extreme heat flux handling and microsecond time response
S Corbett, D Gautam, S Lal, K Yu, N Balla, G Cunningham, KM Razeeb, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (1), 1773-1782, 2021
Lipid order degradation in autoimmune demyelination probed by polarized coherent Raman microscopy
P Gasecka, A Jaouen, FZ Bioud, HB de Aguiar, J Duboisset, P Ferrand, ...
Biophysical Journal 113 (7), 1520-1530, 2017
Effects of Excitonic Resonance on Second and Third Order Nonlinear Scattering from Few-Layer MoS2
NK Balla, M O’brien, N McEvoy, GS Duesberg, H Rigneault, S Brasselet, ...
ACS photonics 5 (4), 1235-1240, 2018
Pump-probe micro-spectroscopy by means of an ultra-fast acousto-optics delay line
X Audier, N Balla, H Rigneault
Optics Letters 42 (2), 294-297, 2017
In vivo evaluation of cervical stiffness evolution during induced ripening using shear wave elastography, histology and 2 photon excitation microscopy: insight from an animal model
L Peralta, E Mourier, C Richard, G Charpigny, T Larcher, D Aït-Belkacem, ...
PloS one 10 (8), e0133377, 2015
Second harmonic scattering from small particles using Discrete Dipole Approximation
NK Balla, PTC So, CJR Sheppard
Optics Express 18 (21), 21603-21611, 2010
Bessel beams: Effects of polarization
CJR Sheppard, S Rehman, NK Balla, EYS Yew, TW Teng
Optics communications 282 (24), 4647-4656, 2009
Polarized nonlinear nanoscopy of metal nanostructures
N Kumar Balla, C Rendón-Barraza, LM Hoang, P Karpinski, ...
ACS photonics 4 (2), 292-301, 2017
Performance parameters for highly-focused electromagnetic waves
CJR Sheppard, NK Balla, S Rehman
Optics communications 282 (5), 727-734, 2009
Image-based adaptive optics for in vivo imaging in the hippocampus
D Champelovier, J Teixeira, JM Conan, N Balla, LM Mugnier, T Tressard, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 42924, 2017
Focusing large spectral bandwidths through scattering media
AG Vesga, M Hofer, NK Balla, HB De Aguiar, M Guillon, S Brasselet
Optics express 27 (20), 28384-28394, 2019
Surface modified gold nanorods in two photon luminescence imaging
JB Zhang, NK Balla, C Gao, CJR Sheppard, LYL Yung, S Rehman, ...
Australian Journal of Chemistry 65 (3), 290-298, 2012
Coupled and uncoupled dipole models of nonlinear scattering
NK Balla, EYS Yew, CJR Sheppard, PTC So
Optics Express 20 (23), 25834-25842, 2012
Bessel beams with the tightest focus
CJR Sheppard, NK Balla, S Rehman, EYS Yew, WT Teng
Opt. Commun 282, 4647-4656, 2009
Lipids–fluorophores interactions probed by combined nonlinear polarized microscopy
P Gasecka, NK Balla, M Sison, S Brasselet
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (50), 13718-13729, 2021
Multiphoton luminescence of gold nanorods upon excitation with wavelengths away from their absorption maxima
NK Balla, CJR Sheppard, PTC So
Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical …, 2011
Lipid order degradation in autoimmune demyelination probed by polarization resolved coherent Raman microscopy
P Gasecka, A Jaouen, FZ Bioud, HB De Aguiar, J Duboisset, P Ferrand, ...
bioRxiv, 105965, 2017
In Vivo Evaluation of Cervical Stiffness Evolution during Induced Ripening Using Shear Wave Elastography, Histology and 2 Photon Excitation Microscopy: Insight from an Animal Model
LM Peralta Pereira, E Mourier, C Richard, G Charpigny, T Larcher, ...
Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2015
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Articles 1–20