Nadia Riera Faraone
Nadia Riera Faraone
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Cited by
The structure and function of the global citrus rhizosphere microbiome
J Xu, Y Zhang, P Zhang, P Trivedi, N Riera, Y Wang, X Liu, G Fan, J Tang, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4894, 2018
Huanglongbing impairs the rhizosphere-to-rhizoplane enrichment process of the citrus root-associated microbiome
Y Zhang, J Xu, N Riera, T Jin, J Li, N Wang
Microbiome 5, 1-17, 2017
Characterization of antimicrobial-producing beneficial bacteria isolated from Huanglongbing escape citrus trees
N Riera, U Handique, Y Zhang, MM Dewdney, N Wang
Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 2415, 2017
Induced systemic resistance against citrus canker disease by rhizobacteria
N Riera, H Wang, Y Li, J Li, K Pelz-Stelinski, N Wang
Phytopathology 108 (9), 1038-1045, 2018
Repertoire of novel sequence signatures for the detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus by quantitative real-time PCR
S Kogenaru, Q Yan, N Riera, MC Roper, X Deng, TA Ebert, M Rogers, ...
BMC microbiology 14, 1-11, 2014
The mechanism of the phage-encoded protein antibiotic from ΦX174
AK Orta, N Riera, YE Li, S Tanaka, HG Yun, L Klaic, WM Clemons Jr
Science 381 (6654), eadg9091, 2023
Human microbiota drives hospital-associated antimicrobial resistance dissemination in the urban environment and mirrors patient case rates
C Salazar, M Giménez, N Riera, A Parada, J Puig, A Galiana, F Grill, ...
Microbiome 10 (1), 208, 2022
Citrus genomic resources unravel putative genetic determinants of Huanglongbing pathogenicity
Y Gao, J Xu, Z Li, Y Zhang, N Riera, Z Xiong, Z Ouyang, X Liu, Z Lu, ...
Iscience 26 (2), 2023
An antibiotic produced by P. fluorescens CFBP2392 with antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani
N Riera, D Davyt, R Duran, G Iraola, P Lemanceau, N Bajsa
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1286926, 2023
Host Genetic Traits Underlying the Composition and Assembly of the Citrus Microbiome
J Xu, Y Wang, Y Zhang, N Riera, J Li, KJ Clark, T Jin, H Chen, J Wen, ...
Phytobiomes Journal 7 (3), 401-411, 2023
Global citrus root microbiota unravels assembly cues and core members
MF Lombardo, Y Zhang, J Xu, P Trivedi, P Zhang, N Riera, L Li, Y Wang, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 15, 1405751, 2024
Genetically divergent Francisella philomiragia associated with septic arthritis, Montevideo, Uruguay
N Riera, C Salazar, B Rivera, A Galiana, R Durán, MM Portela, V Antelo, ...
New Microbes and New Infections 57, 101210, 2024
Citrus genomic resources unravel putative genetic determinants of Huanglongbing, a pathogen-triggered immune disease
Y Gao, J Xu, Z Li, Y Zhang, N Riera, Z Xiong, Z Ouyang, X Liu, Z Lu, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.10. 24.513527, 2022
The structure and function of the global citrus rhizosphere microbiome.
XJ Xu Jin, ZYZ Zhang YunZeng, ZPF Zhang PengFan, PT Pankaj Trivedi, ...
Characterization of antimicrobial-producing beneficial bacteria from citrus rhizosphere
N Riera, Y Zhang, U Handique, N Wang
2017 APS Annual Meeting, 2017
Detección de moléculas capaces de interferir con la formación de biofilm y/o las señales de quórum sensing en Xanthomonas citri subesp. citri
N Riera Faraone
Udelar. FC, 2014
Purificación y caracterización de un metabolito antifúngico producido por Pseudomonas fluorescens CFBP2392: Nadia Riera Faraone
N Riera Faraone
UR. FC,, 2012
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Articles 1–17