Mehmet Basdere
Mehmet Basdere
PhD Student at IEMS, Northwestern University
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Cited by
Advancements in continuous approximation models for logistics and transportation systems: 1996–2016
S Ansari, M Başdere, X Li, Y Ouyang, K Smilowitz
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 107, 229-252, 2018
Operational aircraft maintenance routing problem with remaining time consideration
M Başdere, Ü Bilge
European Journal of Operational Research 235 (1), 315-328, 2014
Acute incident rapid response at a mass-gathering event through comprehensive planning systems: a case report from the 2013 Shamrock Shuffle
M Başdere, C Ross, JL Chan, S Mehrotra, K Smilowitz, G Chiampas
Prehospital and disaster medicine 29 (3), 320-325, 2014
Safe: a comprehensive data visualization system
M Basdere, G Caniglia, C Collar, C Rozolis, G Chiampas, M Nishi, ...
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 49 (4), 249-261, 2019
Data Value in Patient Tracking Systems at Racing Events.
C Ross, M Başdere, JL Chan, S Mehrotra, K Smilowitz, G Chiampas
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 47 (10), 2014-2023, 2015
A leader-follower game for the point coverage problem in wireless sensor networks
M Başdere, N Aras, İK Altınel, S Afşar
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 7 (5), 635-656, 2013
Models and approaches to multiobjective arc tour problems with an application to marathon course design
M Basdere
Northwestern University, 2018
A study of the lock-free tour problem and path-based reformulations
M Başdere, K Smilowitz, S Mehrotra
IISE Transactions 52 (6), 603-616, 2020
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Articles 1–8