Jordi Dachs
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Cited by
An updated climatology of surface dimethlysulfide concentrations and emission fluxes in the global ocean
A Lana, TG Bell, R Simó, SM Vallina, J Ballabrera‐Poy, AJ Kettle, J Dachs, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (1), 2011
Global fate of POPs: current and future research directions
R Lohmann, K Breivik, J Dachs, D Muir
Environmental pollution 150 (1), 150-165, 2007
Cambio global
C Duarte, S Alonso, G Benito, J Dachs, C Montes, M Pardo Buendía, ...
Impacto de la actividad humana sobre el sistema Tierra. Madrid: CSIC, 2006
Adsorption onto aerosol soot carbon dominates gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
J Dachs, SJ Eisenreich
Environmental Science & Technology 34 (17), 3690-3697, 2000
Oceanic biogeochemical controls on global dynamics of persistent organic pollutants
J Dachs, R Lohmann, WA Ockenden, L Méjanelle, SJ Eisenreich, ...
Environmental science & technology 36 (20), 4229-4237, 2002
Marine ecosystems’ responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean
TMM Group, XD de Madron, C Guieu, R Sempéré, P Conan, D Cossa, ...
Progress in Oceanography 91 (2), 97-166, 2011
Quantifying atmospheric nitrate formation pathways based on a global model of the oxygen isotopic composition (Δ17O) of atmospheric nitrate
B Alexander, MG Hastings, DJ Allman, J Dachs, JA Thornton, SA Kunasek
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (14), 5043-5056, 2009
Past, present, and future controls on levels of persistent organic pollutants in the global environment
L Nizzetto, M Macleod, K Borgå, A Cabrerizo, J Dachs, AD Guardo, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 44 (17), 6526-6531, 2010
Atmospheric deposition of organic and black carbon to the global oceans
E Jurado, J Dachs, CM Duarte, R Simó
Atmospheric Environment 42 (34), 7931-7939, 2008
Global ocean emission of dimethylsulfide predicted from biogeophysical data
R Simó, J Dachs
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (4), 26-1-26-10, 2002
Occurrence of estrogenic nonylphenols in the urban and coastal atmosphere of the lower Hudson River estuary
J Dachs, DA Van Ry, SJ Eisenreich
Environmental Science & Technology 33 (15), 2676-2679, 1999
Mass budget and dynamics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean Sea
E Lipiatou, I Tolosa, R Simo, I Bouloubassi, J Dachs, S Marti, MA Sicre, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 44 (3-4), 881-905, 1997
PAHs in air and seawater along a North–South Atlantic transect: trends, processes and possible sources
L Nizzetto, R Lohmann, R Gioia, A Jahnke, C Temme, J Dachs, P Herckes, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (5), 1580-1585, 2008
Accumulation and cycling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in zooplankton
N Berrojalbiz, S Lacorte, A Calbet, E Saiz, C Barata, J Dachs
Environmental Science & Technology 43 (7), 2295-2301, 2009
Coupling of phytoplankton uptake and air− water exchange of persistent organic pollutants
J Dachs, SJ Eisenreich, JE Baker, FC Ko, JD Jeremiason
Environmental science & technology 33 (20), 3653-3660, 1999
Influence of organic matter content and human activities on the occurrence of organic pollutants in Antarctic soils, lichens, grass, and mosses
A Cabrerizo, J Dachs, D Barceló, KC Jones
Environmental Science & Technology 46 (3), 1396-1405, 2012
Atmospheric dry deposition of persistent organic pollutants to the Atlantic and inferences for the global oceans
E Jurado, FM Jaward, R Lohmann, KC Jones, R Simó, J Dachs
Environmental science & technology 38 (21), 5505-5513, 2004
The maximum reservoir capacity of soils for persistent organic pollutants: implications for global cycling
M Dalla Valle, E Jurado, J Dachs, AJ Sweetman, KC Jones
Environmental Pollution 134 (1), 153-164, 2005
Long-range transport of airborne microbes over the global tropical and subtropical ocean
E Mayol, JM Arrieta, MA Jiménez, A Martínez-Asensio, N Garcias-Bonet, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 201, 2017
Influence of eutrophication on air− water exchange, vertical fluxes, and phytoplankton concentrations of persistent organic pollutants
J Dachs, SJ Eisenreich, RM Hoff
Environmental science & technology 34 (6), 1095-1102, 2000
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Articles 1–20