Salli Dymond
Salli Dymond
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Process-based rainfall interception by small trees in Northern China: The effect of rainfall traits and crown structure characteristics
X Li, Q Xiao, J Niu, S Dymond, NS van Doorn, X Yu, B Xie, X Lv, K Zhang, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 218, 65-73, 2016
Water sustainability and watershed storage
JJ McDonnell, J Evaristo, KD Bladon, J Buttle, IF Creed, SF Dymond, ...
Nature Sustainability 1 (8), 378-379, 2018
Rainfall interception by tree crown and leaf litter: An interactive process
X Li, Q Xiao, J Niu, S Dymond, EG McPherson, N van Doorn, X Yu, B Xie, ...
Hydrological Processes 31 (20), 3533-3542, 2017
Topographic, edaphic, and vegetative controls on plant‐available water
SF Dymond, JB Bradford, PV Bolstad, RK Kolka, SD Sebestyen, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (8), e1897, 2017
Dynamic hillslope soil moisture in a Mediterranean montane watershed
SF Dymond, JW Wagenbrenner, ET Keppeler, KD Bladon
Water Resources Research 57 (11), e2020WR029170, 2021
Bark-water interactions across ecosystem states and fluxes
JT Van Stan, SF Dymond, A Klamerus-Iwan
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4, 660662, 2021
Long‐term soil moisture patterns in a northern Minnesota forest
SF Dymond, RK Kolka, PV Bolstad, SD Sebestyen
Soil Science Society of America Journal 78 (S1), S208-S216, 2014
A study on crown interception with four dominant tree species: A direct measurement
X Li, J Niu, L Zhang, Q Xiao, GE McPherson, N Van Doorn, X Yu, B Xie, ...
Hydrology Research 47 (4), 857-868, 2016
Can forest watershed management mitigate climate change effects on water resources
JM Vose, CR Ford, S Laseter, S Dymond, G Sun, MB Adams, S Sebestyen, ...
In: Webb, Ashley A.; Bonell, Mike; Bren, Leon; Lane, Patrick NJ; et. al …, 2012
Growth–climate relationships across topographic gradients in the northern Great Lakes
SF Dymond, AW D'Amato, RK Kolka, PV Bolstad, SD Sebestyen, ...
Ecohydrology 9 (6), 918-929, 2016
Application of a distributed process-based hydrologic model to estimate the effects of forest road density on stormflows in the southern Appalachians
SF Dymond, WM Aust, SP Prisley, MH Eisenbies, JM Vose
Forest Science 60 (6), 1213-1223, 2014
Climatic controls on peatland black spruce growth in relation to water table variation and precipitation
SF Dymond, AW D'Amato, RK Kolka, PV Bolstad, SD Sebestyen, K Gill, ...
Ecohydrology 12 (7), e2137, 2019
Water availability modifies productivity response to biodiversity and nitrogen in long‐term grassland experiments
CE Kazanski, J Cowles, S Dymond, AT Clark, AS David, JM Jungers, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (6), e02363, 2021
Variation in riverine dissolved organic matter (DOM) optical quality during snowmelt-and rainfall-driven events in a forested wetland watershed
LA Rose, DL Karwan, S Dymond
Journal of Hydrology 617, 128988, 2023
Soil frost controls streamflow generation processes in headwater catchments
MW Jones, SD Sebestyen, SF Dymond, GHC Ng, X Feng
Journal of Hydrology 617, 128801, 2023
Recent patterns in climate, vegetation, and forest water use in California montane watersheds
P Saksa, M Safeeq, S Dymond
Forests 8 (8), 278, 2017
University of Minnesota Duluth
SF Dymond
United States, 0
Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds Phase 2 (1985-2017) data
PW Richardson, JE Seehafer, ET Keppeler, DG Sutherland, ...
Water sustainability and watershed storage. Nat. Sustain. 1, 378–379
JJ McDonnell, J Evaristo, KD Bladon, J Buttle, IF Creed, SF Dymond, ...
Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds Experiment Three Study Plan: The influence of forest stand density reduction on watershed processes in the South Fork
SF Dymond
Technical report, USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, 2016
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Articles 1–20