Milan Kobal
Milan Kobal
Associate Professor, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
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A benchmark of lidar-based single tree detection methods using heterogeneous forest data from the alpine space
L Eysn, M Hollaus, E Lindberg, F Berger, JM Monnet, M Dalponte, ...
Forests 6 (5), 1721-1747, 2015
Urban heat islands in relation to green land use in European cities
M Nastran, M Kobal, K Eler
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 37, 33-41, 2019
Disturbance, life history traits, and dynamics in an old‐growth forest landscape of southeastern Europe
TA Nagel, M Svoboda, M Kobal
Ecological Applications 24 (4), 663-679, 2014
Using lidar data to analyse sinkhole characteristics relevant for understory vegetation under forest cover—Case study of a high karst area in the Dinaric Mountains
M Kobal, I Bertoncelj, F Pirotti, I Dakskobler, L Kutnar
PloS one 10 (3), e0122070, 2015
Fast food bears: Brown bear diet in a human‐dominated landscape with intensive supplemental feeding
I Kavčič, M Adamič, P Kaczensky, M Krofel, M Kobal, K Jerina
Wildlife biology 21 (1), 1-8, 2015
Patterns and drivers of ice storm damage in temperate forests of Central Europe
TA Nagel, D Firm, D Rozenbergar, M Kobal
European Journal of Forest Research 135, 519-530, 2016
Influence of soil properties on silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) growth in the Dinaric Mountains
M Kobal, H Grčman, M Zupan, T Levanič, P Simončič, A Kadunc, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 337, 77-87, 2015
Simultaneous influence of canopy decline and deer herbivory on regeneration in a conifer–broadleaf forest
TA Nagel, J Diaci, K Jerina, M Kobal, D Rozenbergar
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (3), 266-275, 2015
Accuracy assessment of uav-photogrammetric-derived products using PPK and GCPs in challenging terrains: In search of optimized rockfall mapping
B Žabota, M Kobal
Remote Sensing 13 (19), 3812, 2021
A comparison of tree segmentation methods using very high density airborne laser scanner data
F Pirotti, M Kobal, JR Roussel
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2017
Influence of digital elevation model resolution on rockfall modelling
B Žabota, B Repe, M Kobal
Geomorphology 328, 183-195, 2019
Pedotransfer functions for bulk density estimation of forest soils
M Kobal, M Urbančić, N Potočić, B De Vos, P Simončić
Šumarski list 135 (1-2), 19-27, 2011
The protective role of forests to reduce rockfall risks and impacts in the Alps under a climate change perspective
E Lingua, F Bettella, M Pividori, R Marzano, M Garbarino, M Piras, ...
Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options: Handling the Impacts of a …, 2020
Lidar processing for defining sinkhole characteristics under dense forest cover: A case study in the Dinaric mountains
M Kobal, I Bertoncelj, F Pirotti, L Kutnar
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2014
A benchmark of lidar-based single tree detection methods using heterogeneous forest data from the Alpine Space, Forests, 6, 1721–1747
L Eysn, M Hollaus, E Lindberg, F Berger, JM Monnet, M Dalponte, ...
A new methodology for mapping past rockfall events: From mobile crowdsourcing to rockfall simulation validation
B Žabota, M Kobal
ISPRS international journal of geo-information 9 (9), 514, 2020
Monitoring gozdov in gozdnih ekosistemov: priročnik za terensko snemanje podatkov
M Kovač, M Skudnik, A Japelj, Š Planinšek, S Vochl, F Batič, D Kastelec, ...
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Založba Silva Slovenica, 2014
Gospodarjenje z gozdom za lastnike gozdov
M Medved, M Bajc, G Božič, M Čas, M Čater, A Ferreira, T Grebenc, ...
Kmečki glas, 2011
ManFor C. BD sites and the drivers of forest functions
U Di Salvatore, D Tonti, M Bascietto, U Chiavetta, P Cantiani, G Fabbio, ...
Italian Journal of Agronomy 11, 64-95, 2016
Vpliv sestojnih, talnih in mikrorastiščnih razmer na rast in razvoj jelke (Abies alba Mill.) na visokem krasu Snežnika
M Kobal
Doktorsko delo. Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za …, 2011
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Articles 1–20