Ian David Abrahams
Ian David Abrahams
Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Cambridge
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A brief historical perspective of the Wiener–Hopf technique
JB Lawrie, ID Abrahams
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 59, 351-358, 2007
Curve squeal of train wheels, part 1: mathematical model for its generation
MA Heckl, ID Abrahams
Journal of Sound and Vibration 229 (3), 669-693, 2000
On nonlinear viscoelastic deformations: a reappraisal of Fung's quasi-linear viscoelastic model
R De Pascalis, ID Abrahams, WJ Parnell
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2014
An exact analytical solution for discrete barrier options
G Fusai, ID Abrahams, C Sgarra
Finance and Stochastics 10, 1-26, 2006
An orthogonality relation for a class of problems with high-order boundary conditions; applications in sound-structure interaction
JB Lawrie, ID Abrahams
The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 52 (2), 161-181, 1999
Glacial melt under a porous debris layer
GW Evatt, ID Abrahams, M Heil, C Mayer, J Kingslake, SL Mitchell, ...
Journal of Glaciology 61 (229), 825-836, 2015
Dynamic homogenization in periodic fibre reinforced media. Quasi-static limit for SH waves
WJ Parnell, ID Abrahams
Wave Motion 43 (6), 474-498, 2006
Flexural edge waves and Comments on “A new bending wave solution for the classical plate equation” [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 2220–2222 (1998)]
AN Norris, VV Krylov, ID Abrahams
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107 (3), 1781-1784, 2000
The application of Padéapproximants to Wiener–Hopf factorization
ID Abrahams
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 65 (3), 257-281, 2000
Scattering of sound by two parallel semi-infinite screens
ID Abrahams
Wave Motion 9 (4), 289-300, 1987
Homogenization for wave propagation in periodic fibre-reinforced media with complex microstructure. i—theory
WJ Parnell, ID Abrahams
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56 (7), 2521-2540, 2008
Active control of friction-driven oscillations
MA Heckl, ID Abrahams
Journal of Sound and Vibration 193 (1), 417-426, 1996
On the solution of Wiener--Hopf problems involving noncommutative matrix kernel decompositions
ID Abrahams
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 57 (2), 541-567, 1997
On the application of the Wiener–Hopf technique to problems in dynamic elasticity
ID Abrahams
Wave Motion 36 (4), 311-333, 2002
Antiplane elastic wave propagation in pre-stressed periodic structures; tuning, band gap switching and invariance
EG Barnwell, WJ Parnell, ID Abrahams
Wave Motion 63, 98-110, 2016
General Wiener–Hopf factorization of matrix kernels with exponential phase factors
ID Abrahams, GR Wickham
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 50 (3), 819-838, 1990
Analytical methods for perfect wedge diffraction: a review
MA Nethercote, RC Assier, ID Abrahams
Wave Motion 93, 102479, 2020
On the existence of flexural edge waves on thin orthotropic plates
I Thompson, ID Abrahams, AN Norris
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112 (5), 1756-1765, 2002
The Wiener–Hopf technique, its generalizations and applications: constructive and approximate methods
AV Kisil, ID Abrahams, G Mishuris, SV Rogosin
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2254), 20210533, 2021
Scattering of sound by a heavily loaded finite elastic plate
ID Abrahams
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1981
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Articles 1–20