Carlos García-Verdugo
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Cited by
Polyploidy in the Olive Complex (Olea europaea): Evidence from Flow Cytometry and Nuclear Microsatellite Analyses
G Besnard, C Garcia-Verdugo, R Rubio de Casas, UA Treier, N Galland, ...
Annals of botany 101 (1), 25-30, 2008
Do island plant populations really have lower genetic variation than mainland populations? Effects of selection and distribution range on genetic diversity estimates
C García‐Verdugo, M Sajeva, T La Mantia, C Harrouni, F Msanda, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (4), 726-741, 2015
Genetic diversity and differentiation processes in the ploidy series of Olea europaea L.: a multiscale approach from subspecies to insular populations
C García‐Verdugo, MF Fay, C Granado‐Yela, RR de Casas, L Balaguer, ...
Molecular Ecology 18 (3), 454-467, 2009
The relevance of gene flow in metapopulation dynamics of an oceanic island endemic, Olea europaea subsp. guanchica
C García‐Verdugo, AD Forrest, MF Fay, P Vargas
Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 64 (12), 3525-3536, 2010
Polyploidy and microsatellite variation in the relict tree Prunus lusitanica L.: how effective are refugia in preserving genotypic diversity of clonal taxa?
C García‐Verdugo, JA Calleja, P Vargas, L Silva, O Moreira, F Pulido
Molecular ecology 22 (6), 1546-1557, 2013
Island ontogenies, syngameons, and the origins and evolution of genetic diversity in the Canarian endemic flora
J Caujapé-Castells, C García-Verdugo, Á Marrero-Rodríguez, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 27, 9-22, 2017
Sun and shade leaves of Olea europaea respond differently to plant size, light availability and genetic variation
RR de Casas, P Vargas, E Pérez‐Corona, E Manrique, ...
Functional Ecology 25 (4), 802-812, 2011
Life history traits and patterns of diversification in oceanic archipelagos: a meta-analysis
C García-Verdugo, BG Baldwin, MF Fay, J Caujapé-Castells
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174 (3), 334-348, 2014
Field Patterns of Leaf Plasticity in Adults of the Long-lived Evergreen Quercus coccifera
R Rubio De Casas, P Vargas, E Pérez-Corona, E Manrique, JR Quintana, ...
Annals of botany 100 (2), 325-334, 2007
The loss of dispersal on islands hypothesis revisited: Implementing phylogeography to investigate evolution of dispersal traits in Periploca (Apocynaceae)
C García‐Verdugo, M Mairal, P Monroy, M Sajeva, J Caujapé‐Castells
Journal of biogeography 44 (11), 2595-2606, 2017
Colonization time on island settings: lessons from the Hawaiian and Canary Island floras
C García-Verdugo, J Caujapé-Castells, I Sanmartín
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 191, 155-163, 2019
Phenotypic plasticity and integration across the canopy of Olea europaea subsp. guanchica (Oleaceae) in populations with different wind exposures
C García‐Verdugo, C Granado‐Yela, E Manrique, R Rubio de Casas, ...
American Journal of Botany 96 (8), 1454-1461, 2009
Patterns of genetic diversity in Phoenix canariensis, a widespread oceanic palm (species) endemic from the Canarian archipelago
I Saro, MA González-Pérez, C García-Verdugo, PA Sosa
Tree genetics & genomes 11 (1), 1-13, 2015
Parallel evolution of insular Olea europaea subspecies based on geographical structuring of plastid DNA variation and phenotypic similarity in leaf traits
C Garcia-Verdugo, AD FORREST, L Balaguer, MF Fay, P Vargas
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 162 (1), 54-63, 2010
Contrasting patterns of morphological and physiological differentiation across insular environments: phenotypic variation and heritability of light-related traits in Olea europaea
C García-Verdugo, M Méndez, N Velázquez-Rosas, L Balaguer
Oecologia 164 (3), 647-655, 2010
Pleistocene extinctions as drivers of biogeographical patterns on the easternmost Canary Islands
C García‐Verdugo, J Caujapé‐Castells, JC Illera, M Mairal, J Patiño, ...
Journal of Biogeography 46, 845-859, 2019
Taxonomic identity of Quercus coccifera L. in the Iberian Peninsula is maintained in spite of widespread hybridisation, as revealed by morphological, ISSR and ITS sequence data
RR de Casas, E Cano, L Balaguer, E Pérez-Corona, E Manrique, ...
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 202 (6), 488-499, 2007
How repeatable is microevolution on islands? Patterns of dispersal and colonization-related plant traits in a phylogeographical context
C García-Verdugo, J Caujapé-Castells, M Mairal, P Monroy
Annals of Botany 123, 557-568, 2019
A meta‐analysis of insularity effects on herbivory and plant defences
X Moreira, B Castagneyrol, C García‐Verdugo, L Abdala‐Roberts
Journal of Biogeography 48, 386-393, 2021
Testing the hypothesis of loss of defenses on islands across a wide latitudinal gradient of Periploca laevigata populations
P Monroy, C García‐Verdugo
American journal of botany 106, 303-312, 2019
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Articles 1–20