Alexandra Robert
Alexandra Robert
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, UPS-CNRS-IRD, France
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Structural evolution of the Kopeh Dagh fold-and-thrust belt (NE Iran) and interactions with the South Caspian Sea Basin and Amu Darya Basin
AMM Robert, J Letouzey, MA Kavoosi, S Sherkati, C Müller, J Vergés, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 57, 68-87, 2014
Crustal structures in the area of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake from seismologic and gravimetric data
A Robert, J Zhu, J Vergne, R Cattin, LS Chan, G Wittlinger, G Herquel, ...
Tectonophysics 491 (1-4), 205-210, 2010
Structural and thermal characters of the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China)
A Robert, M Pubellier, J de Sigoyer, J Vergne, A Lahfid, R Cattin, ...
Tectonophysics 491 (1-4), 165-173, 2010
Towards the hydrologic and bed load monitoring from high-frequency seismic noise in a braided river: The “torrent de St Pierre”, French Alps
A Burtin, R Cattin, L Bollinger, J Vergne, P Steer, A Robert, N Findling, ...
Journal of hydrology 408 (1-2), 43-53, 2011
New insights into the crust and lithospheric mantle structure of Africa from elevation, geoid, and thermal analysis
J Globig, M Fernàndez, M Torne, J Vergés, A Robert, C Faccenna
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (7), 5389-5424, 2016
Chemical composition and element distribution in the Earth’s crust
SR Taylor, SM McLennan
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 2001
Lithospheric structure in Central Eurasia derived from elevation, geoid anomaly and thermal analysis
AMM Robert, M Fernàndez, I Jiménez-Munt, J Vergés
The Mesozoic along‐strike Tectonometamorphic segmentation of Longmen Shan (eastern Tibetan plateau)
L Airaghi, J De Sigoyer, S Guillot, A Robert, CJ Warren, D Deldicque
Tectonics 37 (12), 4655-4678, 2018
Seismic and geologic controls on spatial clustering of landslides in three large earthquakes
C Rault, A Robert, O Marc, N Hovius, P Meunier
Earth Surface Dynamics 7 (3), 829-839, 2019
Peneplanation and lithosphere dynamics in the Pyrenees
GV Bosch, J Van Den Driessche, J Babault, A Robert, A Carballo, ...
Comptes Rendus Géoscience 348 (3-4), 194-202, 2016
Western thrusting and uplift in northern Central Andes (western Peruvian margin)
A Prudhomme, P Baby, A Robert, S Brichau, E Cuipa, A Eude, Y Calderon, ...
Andean tectonics, 299-331, 2019
Mü ller, C., Vergés, J. & Aghababaei, A. 2014. Structural evolution of the Kopeh Dagh foldand-thrust-belt (NE Iran) and interactions with the South Caspian Sea Basin and Amu …
AMM Robert, J Letouzey, MA Kavoosi, S Sherkati
Marine and Petroleum Geology 57, 68-87, 0
Long-term petrological evolution of the Wenchuan and Beichuan fault zones (Longmen Shan, Sichuan)
J de Sigoyer, A Carrier, X Wu, A Billerot, A Robert, M Pubellier
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2008, T33A-2037, 2008
Déformation polyphasée et importance de l'héritage structural dans les longmen shan (sichuan, chine): apports d'une approche couplée entre géophysique et géologie
A Robert
Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2011
Structural evolution of the Kopet Dagh fold-and-thrust belt (North-East Iran) and interactions with the South Caspian Sea Basin and Amu Darya Basin
AMM Robert, J Letouzey, MA Kavoosi, S Sherkati, C Müller, J Vergés
EGU general assembly conference abstracts, 6699, 2014
Cenozoic intramontane piggyback Calipuy basin: evidence of a major west verging thrusts system, north Peru
A Prudhomme, P Baby, A Robert, Y Calderon, L Ramirez, E Cuipa
Technical Papers (Geología Regional Peruana y Sudamericana), XVIII Congreso …, 2016
Spatial pattern of the co-seismic landslides triggered by the Mw7. 9 Sichuan earthquake: Influence of the complex focal mechanism.
P Meunier, A Robert, M De Michele, RN Parker, AL Densmore
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-2241, 2013
Crustal and lithospheric mantle structures in Central Asia derived from geoid, elevation and thermal analysis
A Robert, I Jiménez-Munt, M Fernàndez, J Vergés
The 27th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop (HKT), 7, 2012
Lithospheric structures across the Longmen Shan mountain range from seismologic and gravimetric data
A Roberts, J Zhu, J Vergne, R Cattlin, G Wittlinger, LS Chan, J De Sigoyer, ...
American Geophysical Union Meeting, EOS, 2008
The Northern Central Andes and Andean tectonic evolution revisited: An integrated stratigraphic and structural model of three superimposed orogens
P Baby, A Prudhomme, S Brusset, A Robert, M Roddaz, Y Calderon, ...
Earth-Science Reviews, 104998, 2024
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