Wilfried Jokat
Wilfried Jokat
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research
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Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica
P Fretwell, HD Pritchard, DG Vaughan, JL Bamber, NE Barrand, R Bell, ...
The cryosphere 7 (1), 375-393, 2013
Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges unveiled beneath the margins of the Antarctic ice sheet
Nature Geosciences 13 (2), 132-137, 2020
The cenozoic palaeoenvironment of the arctic ocean
K Moran, J Backman, H Brinkhuis, SC Clemens, T Cronin, GR Dickens, ...
Nature 441 (7093), 601-605, 2006
The Moho depth map of the European Plate
M Grad, T Tiira, EEZ M. Behm, A. A. Belinsky, D. C. Booth, E. Brückl
Geophysical Journal International 176 (1), 279-292, 2009
Magmatic and amagmatic seafloor generation at the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel ridge, Arctic Ocean
PJ Michael, CH Langmuir, HJB Dick, JE Snow, SL Goldstein, DW Graham, ...
Nature 423 (6943), 956-961, 2003
Timing and geometry of early Gondwana breakup
W Jokat, T Boebel, M König, U Meyer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B9), 2428, 2003
The early Miocene onset of a ventilated circulation regime in the Arctic Ocean
M Jakobsson, J Backman, B Rudels, J Nycander, M Frank, L Mayer, ...
Nature 447 (7147), 986-990, 2007
The Mesozoic breakup of the Weddell Sea
M König, W Jokat
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111, B12102, 2006
Geophysical evidence for reduced melt production on the Arctic ultraslow Gakkel mid-ocean ridge
W Jokat, O Ritzmann, MC Schmidt-Aursch, S Drachev, S Gauger, J Snow
Nature 423 (6943), 962-965, 2003
Lomonosov Ridge—A double-sided continental margin
W Jokat, G Uenzelmann-Neben, Y Kristoffersen, TM Rasmussen
Geology 20 (10), 887-890, 1992
Repeated Pleistocene glaciation of the East Siberian continental margin
F Niessen, JK Hong, A Hegewald, J Matthiessen, R Stein, H Kim, S Kim, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (10), 842-846, 2013
New insights into the evolution of the Lomonosov Ridge and the Eurasian Basin
W Jokat, E Weigelt, Y Kristoffersen, T Rasmussen, T Schone
Geophysical Journal International 122 (2), 378-392, 1995
Tectonic reconstructions for paleobathymetry in Drake Passage
G Eagles, W Jokat
Tectonophysics 611, 28-50, 2014
Advanced insights into magmatism and volcanism of the Mozambique Ridge and Mozambique Basin in the view of new potential field data
M König, W Jokat
Geophysical Journal International 180 (1), 158-180, 2010
Geophysical characteristics of the ultraslow spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
W Jokat, MC Schmidt‐Aursch
Geophysical Journal International 168 (3), 983-998, 2007
The Weddell Gyre, Southern Ocean: present knowledge and future challenges
M Vernet, W Geibert, M Hoppema, PJ Brown, C Haas, HH Hellmer, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (3), 623-708, 2019
Seismic investigations along the western sector of Alpha Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean
W Jokat
Geophysical Journal International 152 (1), 185-201, 2003
The Jurassic history of the Africa–Antarctica corridor—new constraints from magnetic data on the conjugate continental margins
VT Leinweber, W Jokat
Tectonophysics 530, 87-101, 2012
The sedimentary structure of the Lomonosov Ridge between 88 N and 80 N
W Jokat
Geophysical Journal International 163 (2), 698-726, 2005
Continent-ocean transition and voluminous magmatic underplating derived from P-wave velocity modelling of the East Greenland continental margin
M Voss, W Jokat
Geophysical Journal International 170 (2), 580-604, 2007
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