Ivan Paez Anaya
Ivan Paez Anaya
PhD Student Universite de Rennes 1 and INRIA-Bretagne, France
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Cited by
Cited by
A prediction-driven adaptation approach for self-adaptive sensor networks
IDP Anaya, V Simko, J Bourcier, N Plouzeau, JM Jézéquel
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for …, 2014
Estudio empírico del estado actual de la estimación de software en Pymes de Colombia
ID Páez Anaya
Universidad EAFIT, 2012
Integrating predictive analysis in self-adaptive pervasive systems
IDP Anaya
Université de Rennes, 2015
Estado actual de la estimación de software en compañías colombianas que han adoptado CMMI
ID Páez, R Anaya, GH Travassos
Universidad EAFIT, 2012
Cost in the Cloud Rationalisation and Research Trails
K Hamadache, P Zerva, A Polyviou, V Simko, R Dautov, F Gonidis, ...
2014 Second International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data, 108-114, 2014
Experimentación y evaluación del framework JBoss Aop
CA Herrera Quiróz, ID Páez Anaya
Universidad EAFIT, 2007
A Context-Aware Adaptive Microlearning Approach Understanding the Learner's Behavior
P Vallejo-Correa, R Anaya, I Paez, M Tabares-Betancur
Available at SSRN 3991775, 0
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Articles 1–7