corina da costa freitas
corina da costa freitas
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A model for extremely heterogeneous clutter
AC Frery, HJ Muller, CCF Yanasse, SJS Sant'Anna
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 35 (3), 648-659, 1997
Efficient regionalization techniques for socio‐economic geographical units using minimum spanning trees
RM Assunção, MC Neves, G Câmara, C da Costa Freitas
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20 (7), 797-811, 2006
A study of the relationship between radar backscatter and regenerating tropical forest biomass for spaceborne SAR instruments
A Luckman, J Baker, TM Kuplich, CCF Yanasse, AC Frery
Remote Sensing of Environment 60 (1), 1-13, 1997
The polarimetric 𝒢 distribution for SAR data analysis
CC Freitas, AC Frery, AH Correia
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics …, 2005
Airborne P-band SAR applied to the aboveground biomass studies in the Brazilian tropical rainforest
JR Santos, CC Freitas, LS Araujo, LV Dutra, JC Mura, FF Gama, LS Soler, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (4), 482-493, 2003
Speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery with stochastic distances and nonlocal means
L Torres, SJS Sant'Anna, C da Costa Freitas, AC Frery
Pattern Recognition 47 (1), 141-157, 2014
Classifying multifrequency fully polarimetric imagery with multiple sources of statistical evidence and contextual information
AC Frery, AH Correia, CC Freitas
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 (10), 3098-3109, 2007
Tropical forest measurement by interferometric height modeling and P-band radar backscatter
T Neeff, LV Dutra, JR dos Santos, CC Freitas, LS Araujo
Forest Science 51 (6), 585-594, 2005
Area and age of secondary forests in Brazilian Amazonia 1978–2002: an empirical estimate
T Neeff, RM Lucas, JR Santos, ES Brondizio, CC Freitas
Ecosystems 9, 609-623, 2006
Quantitative estimation of tropical forest cover by SAR
K Grover, S Quegan, C da Costa Freitas
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 37 (1), 479-490, 1999
Classification of segments in PolSAR imagery by minimum stochastic distances between Wishart distributions
WB Silva, CC Freitas, SJS Sant'Anna, AC Frery
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2013
An investigation of the selection of texture features for crop discrimination using SAR imagery
JV Soares, CD Rennó, AR Formaggio, CCF Yanasse, AC Frery
Remote Sensing of Environment 59 (2), 234-247, 1997
The study of ERS-1 SAR and Landsat TM synergism for land use classification
TM Kuplich, CC Freitas, JV Soares
International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (10), 2101-2111, 2000
Land use and land cover mapping in the Brazilian Amazon using polarimetric airborne P-band SAR data
C da Costa Freitas, L de Souza Soler, SJÃS Sant'Anna, LV Dutra, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (10), 2956-2970, 2008
Multiple effects of harvesting on populations of the purple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in north Portugal
I Bertocci, R Dominguez, I Machado, C Freitas, JD Godino, I Sousa-Pinto, ...
Fisheries Research 150, 60-65, 2014
Exploratory study of the relationship between tropical forest regeneration stages and SIR-C L and C data
C da CF Yanasse, SJS Sant'Anna, AC Frery, CD Rennó, JV Soares, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 59 (2), 180-190, 1997
Land use/cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon using satellite images
D Lu, M Batistella, G Li, E Moran, S Hetrick, CC Freitas, LV Dutra, ...
Pesquisa agropecuária brasileira 47, 1185-1208, 2012
Texture in airborne SAR imagery of tropical forest and its relationship to forest regeneration stage
AJ Luckman, AC Frery, CCF Yanasse, GB Groom
International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 (6), 1333-1349, 1997
Mapping impervious surfaces with the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper and radar data: A case study in an urban–rural landscape in the Brazilian Amazon
D Lu, G Li, E Moran, M Batistella, CC Freitas
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (6), 798-808, 2011
Optical and radar data integration for land use and land cover mapping in the Brazilian Amazon
LO Pereira, CC Freitas, SJS Sant´ Anna, D Lu, EF Moran
GIScience & remote sensing 50 (3), 301-321, 2013
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