Samarendra Dandapat
Samarendra Dandapat
Professor, IIT Guwahati
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Multiscale energy and eigenspace approach to detection and localization of myocardial infarction
LN Sharma, RK Tripathy, S Dandapat
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 62 (7), 1827-1837, 2015
Wavelet energy based diagnostic distortion measure for ECG
MS Manikandan, S Dandapat
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2 (2), 80-96, 2007
Wavelet-based electrocardiogram signal compression methods and their performances: A prospective review
MS Manikandan, S Dandapat
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 14, 73-107, 2014
ECG signal denoising using higher order statistics in Wavelet subbands
LN Sharma, S Dandapat, A Mahanta
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 5 (3), 214-222, 2010
Wavelet threshold based ECG compression using USZZQ and Huffman coding of DSM
MS Manikandan, S Dandapat
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 1 (4), 261-270, 2006
Detection of shockable ventricular arrhythmia using variational mode decomposition
RK Tripathy, LN Sharma, S Dandapat
Journal of medical systems 40, 1-13, 2016
Sinusoidal model-based analysis and classification of stressed speech
S Ramamohan, S Dandapat
IEEE Transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 14 (3), 737-746, 2006
Third-order tensor based analysis of multilead ECG for classification of myocardial infarction
S Padhy, S Dandapat
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 31, 71-78, 2017
Multichannel ECG data compression based on multiscale principal component analysis
LN Sharma, S Dandapat, A Mahanta
IEEE Transactions on Information technology in Biomedicine 16 (4), 730-736, 2012
Multi-scale deep feature fusion for automated classification of macular pathologies from OCT images
V Das, S Dandapat, PK Bora
Biomedical signal processing and Control 54, 101605, 2019
Multilead ECG data compression using SVD in multiresolution domain
S Padhy, LN Sharma, S Dandapat
Biomedical signal processing and control 23, 10-18, 2016
Emotion classification using segmentation of vowel-like and non-vowel-like regions
S Deb, S Dandapat
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 10 (3), 360-373, 2017
Myocardial infarction severity stages classification from ECG signals using attentional recurrent neural network
E Prabhakararao, S Dandapat
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (15), 8711-8720, 2020
An effective fovea detection and automatic assessment of diabetic maculopathy in color fundus images
JP Medhi, S Dandapat
Computers in biology and medicine 74, 30-44, 2016
Wavelet threshold based TDL and TDR algorithms for real-time ECG signal compression
MS Manikandan, S Dandapat
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 3 (1), 44-66, 2008
Unsupervised super-resolution of OCT images using generative adversarial network for improved age-related macular degeneration diagnosis
V Das, S Dandapat, PK Bora
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (15), 8746-8756, 2020
Multiscale amplitude feature and significance of enhanced vocal tract information for emotion classification
S Deb, S Dandapat
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 49 (3), 802-815, 2018
An LSTM-based model for person identification using ECG signal
D Jyotishi, S Dandapat
IEEE Sensors Letters 4 (8), 1-4, 2020
Analysis and classification of cold speech using variational mode decomposition
S Deb, S Dandapat, J Krajewski
IEEE transactions on affective computing 11 (2), 296-307, 2017
Analysis of epileptic seizures based on EEG using recurrence plot images and deep learning
A Shankar, HK Khaing, S Dandapat, S Barma
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 69, 102854, 2021
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Articles 1–20