V. S. Sunderam
V. S. Sunderam
Professor of Computer Science, Emory University
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Cited by
PVM: Parallel virtual machine: a users' guide and tutorial for networked parallel computing
A Geist
MIT press, 1994
PVM: A framework for parallel distributed computing
VS Sunderam
Concurrency: practice and experience 2 (4), 315-339, 1990
PVM 3 user's guide and reference manual
A Geist, A Beguelin, J Dongarra, W Jiang, R Manchek, V Sunderam
Engineering Physics and Mathematics Division. Mathematical Sciences Section, 1994
A User''s Guide to PVM Parallel Virtual Machine
A Beguelin, J Dongarra, A Geist, R Manchek, V Sunderam
University of Tennessee, 1991
The PVM concurrent computing system: Evolution, experiences, and trends
VS Sunderam, GA Geist, J Dongarra, R Manchek
Parallel computing 20 (4), 531-545, 1994
Network‐based concurrent computing on the PVM system
GA Geist, VS Sunderam
Concurrency: Practice and experience 4 (4), 293-311, 1992
Integrated PVM framework supports heterogeneous network computing
J Dongarra, GA Geist, R Manchek, VS Sunderam
Computers in physics 7, 166-166, 1993
PVM: a users' guide and tutorial for networked parallel computing
A Geist, A Beguelin, J Dongarra, W Jiang, R Manchek, V Sunderam
MIT press, 1994
Spatial task assignment for crowd sensing with cloaked locations
L Pournajaf, L Xiong, V Sunderam, S Goryczka
2014 IEEE 15th International Conference on Mobile Data Management 1, 73-82, 2014
Graphical development tools for network-based concurrent supercomputing
A Beguelin, JJ Dongarra
Proceedings of the 1991 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 435-444, 1991
PIOUS: a scalable parallel I/O system for distributed computing environments
SA Moyer, VS Sunderam
Proceedings of IEEE Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, 71-78, 1994
Visualization and debugging in a heterogeneous environment
A Beguelin, J Dongarra, A Geist, V Sunderam
Computer 26 (6), 88-95, 1993
Characterizing grids: Attributes, definitions, and formalisms
Z Németh, V Sunderam
Journal of Grid Computing 1, 9-23, 2003
OMIS---On-Line Monitoring Interface Specification (Version 2.0)
T Ludwig, R Wismueller, V Sunderam, A Bode
Participant privacy in mobile crowd sensing task management: A survey of methods and challenges
L Pournajaf, DA Garcia-Ulloa, L Xiong, V Sunderam
ACM Sigmod Record 44 (4), 23-34, 2016
The PVM system: Supercomputer level concurrent computation on a heterogeneous network of workstations
GA Geist, VS Sunderam
The Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1991. Proceedings, 258 …, 1991
HARNESS: A next generation distributed virtual machine
M Beck, JJ Dongarra, GE Fagg, G Al Geist, P Gray, J Kohl, M Migliardi, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 15 (5-6), 571-582, 1999
From corrective to predictive maintenance—A review of maintenance approaches for the power industry
M Molęda, B Małysiak-Mrozek, W Ding, V Sunderam, D Mrozek
Sensors 23 (13), 5970, 2023
PVM and HeNCE: Tools for heterogeneous network computing
A Beguelin, J Dongarra, A Geist, R Manchek, K Moore, V Sunderam
Software for Parallel Computation, 91-99, 1993
PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine. A User’s Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing
A Beguelin, J Dongarra, GA Geist, W Jiang, R Manchek, V Sunderam
The MIT Press, 1994
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