Eric Fabara
Eric Fabara
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hopsital
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Cited by
Can mHealth technology help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic?
CP Adans-Dester, S Bamberg, FP Bertacchi, B Caulfield, K Chappie, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 1, 243-248, 2020
Evaluation of the Keeogo exoskeleton for assisting ambulatory activities in people with multiple sclerosis: an open-label, randomized, cross-over trial
CA McGibbon, A Sexton, A Jayaraman, S Deems-Dluhy, P Gryfe, A Novak, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 15, 1-14, 2018
Accelerometer data collected with a minimum set of wearable sensors from subjects with Parkinson’s disease
JF Daneault, G Vergara-Diaz, F Parisi, C Admati, C Alfonso, M Bertoli, ...
Scientific Data 8 (1), 48, 2021
Effect of using of a lower-extremity exoskeleton on disability of people with multiple sclerosis
C McGibbon, A Sexton, P Gryfe, T Dutta, A Jayaraman, S Deems-Dluhy, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 18 (5), 475-482, 2023
Evaluation of a lower-extremity robotic exoskeleton for people with knee osteoarthritis
C McGibbon, A Sexton, A Jayaraman, S Deems-Dluhy, E Fabara, ...
Assistive Technology 34 (5), 543-556, 2022
Tablet‐Based Screening of Depressive Symptoms in Quito, Ecuador: Efficiency in Primary Care
M Grunauer, D Schrock, E Fabara, G Jimenez, A Miller, Z Lai, A Kilbourne, ...
International journal of family medicine 2014 (1), 845397, 2014
Trajectory tracking impedance controller in 6-DoF lower-limb exoskeleton for over-ground walking training: Preliminary results
RM Andrade, S Sapienza, EE Fabara, P Bonato
2021 international symposium on medical robotics (ISMR), 1-6, 2021
Limb and trunk accelerometer data collected with wearable sensors from subjects with Parkinson’s disease
G Vergara-Diaz, JF Daneault, F Parisi, C Admati, C Alfonso, M Bertoli, ...
Scientific Data 8 (1), 47, 2021
Alertness training improves spatial bias and functional ability in spatial neglect
T Van Vleet, P Bonato, E Fabara, S Dabit, SJ Kim, C Chiu, AL Bisogno, ...
Annals of neurology 88 (4), 747-758, 2020
Can kinematic parameters of 3D reach-to-target movements be used as a proxy for clinical outcome measures in chronic stroke rehabilitation? An exploratory study
C Adans-Dester, SE Fasoli, E Fabara, N Menard, AB Fox, G Severini, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 17 (1), 1-13, 2020
Overground walking with a transparent exoskeleton shows changes in spatiotemporal gait parameters
RM Andrade, S Sapienza, A Mohebbi, EE Fabara, P Bonato
IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine 12, 182, 2023
Usability of a new over-ground bodyweight support device (Andago® 2.0) for gait training
E Fabara, A O’Brien, G Vergara-Diaz, C Adans-Dester, P Bonato
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 97 (10), e134, 2016
Exploring the use of wearable sensors to monitor drug response of patients with Parkinson’s disease in the home setting (P4. 002)
JF Daneault, C Kanzler, S Lee, F Golabchi, G Vergara-Diaz, GF Carvalho, ...
Neurology 88 (16_supplement), P4. 002, 2017
Experimental Evaluation of a Transparent Operation Mode for a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Designed for Children with Cerebral Palsy
RM Andrade, S Sapienza, A Mohebbi, EE Fabara, P Bonato
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2023
Propuesta de un protocolo para la extracción e identificación de la presencia de microplásticos en Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme (tomate cherry) convencional y …
E Fabara
Ecuador. Quito. Obtenido de http://www. dspace. uce. edu. ec/bitstream/25000 …, 2020
Lung-heart interaction: improvement of cardiac function in a patient with acute fulminant myocarditis and progressive increases in PEEP
M Grunauer, R Yerovi, E Fabara, SC Miño
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 15 (4_suppl), 119, 2014
Transparent Control in Overground Walking Exoskeleton Reveals Interesting Changing in Subject’s Stepping Frequency
RM Andrade, S Sapienza, A Mohebbi, EE Fabara, P Bonato
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2023
A novel End-Effector system to enable Pro-Supination movements during Robot-Assisted Upper-Limb training
G La Rosa, C Adans-Dester, E Fabara, A Blank, P Sassaman, ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 100 (12), e165, 2019
Dual Task Assessment of the Impact of Tai Chi on Postural Control in Parkinson’s Disease
G Vergara-Diaz, K Osypiuk, B Gow, E Fabara, S Sapienza, J Hausdorff, ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 98 (10), e55, 2017
Assessing the Usability of a Novel Sensor-Enabled Garment for Knee Rehabilitation
E Fabara, N Ramasarma, J Figueroa, A Varga, D Bányay, A Hashemi, ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 104 (3), e13, 2023
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Articles 1–20