Sustainable cities G Haughton, C Hunter Routledge, 1994 | 1675* | 1994 |
Environmental justice and the sustainable city G Haughton The Earthscan reader in sustainable cities, 62-79, 2021 | 783 | 2021 |
Soft spaces, fuzzy boundaries, and metagovernance: the new spatial planning in the Thames Gateway P Allmendinger, G Haughton Environment and planning A 41 (3), 617-633, 2009 | 765 | 2009 |
Post‐political spatial planning in England: a crisis of consensus? P Allmendinger, G Haughton Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 37 (1), 89-103, 2012 | 634 | 2012 |
The new spatial planning: Territorial management with soft spaces and fuzzy boundaries G Haughton, P Allmendinger, D Counsell, G Vigar Routledge, 2009 | 611 | 2009 |
Spatial planning, devolution, and new planning spaces P Allmendinger, G Haughton Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28 (5), 803-818, 2010 | 422 | 2010 |
Developing sustainable urban development models G Haughton Cities 14 (4), 189-195, 1997 | 388 | 1997 |
Spaces of neoliberal experimentation: soft spaces, postpolitics, and neoliberal governmentality G Haughton, P Allmendinger, S Oosterlynck Environment and Planning a 45 (1), 217-234, 2013 | 373 | 2013 |
Regions, spatial strategies and sustainable development D Counsell, G Haughton Routledge, 2004 | 315 | 2004 |
The evolution and trajectories of English spatial governance:‘Neoliberal’episodes in planning P Allmendinger, G Haughton Spatial Planning and the New Localism, 6-26, 2018 | 232 | 2018 |
Neoliberalism and the institutions for regional development in Australia A Beer, T Clower, G Haughtow, A Maude Geographical research 43 (1), 49-58, 2005 | 180 | 2005 |
Regions and sustainable development: regional planning matters G Haughton, D Counsell Geographical Journal 170 (2), 135-145, 2004 | 163 | 2004 |
Soft spaces in Europe P Allmendinger, G Haughton, J Knieling, F Othengrafen Routledge, 2015 | 150 | 2015 |
The fluid scales and scope of UK spatial planning P Allmendinger, G Haughton Environment and Planning A 39 (6), 1478-1496, 2007 | 150 | 2007 |
Planning with ecological footprints: a sympathetic critique of theory and practice P Mcmanus, G Haughton Environment and Urbanization 18 (1), 113-127, 2006 | 149 | 2006 |
Developing locally: An international comparison of local and regional economic development A Beer, G Haughton Policy Press, 2003 | 141 | 2003 |
The soft spaces of local economic development G Haughton, P Allmendinger Local Economy 23 (2), 138-148, 2008 | 122 | 2008 |
Critical reflections on spatial planning P Allmendinger Environment and Planning A 41 (11), 2544-2549, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |
Mythic Manchester: Devo Manc, the northern powerhouse and rebalancing the English economy G Haughton, I Deas, S Hincks, K Ward Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 9 (2), 355-370, 2016 | 109 | 2016 |
Neoliberal experiments with urban infrastructure: the Cross City Tunnel, Sydney G Haughton, P McManus International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 36 (1), 90-105, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |