M. Ashraf Ahangar
M. Ashraf Ahangar
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Abiotic stress tolerance-progress and pathways of sustainable rice production
MH Dar, DA Bano, SA Waza, NW Zaidi, A Majid, AB Shikari, MA Ahangar, ...
Sustainability 13 (4), 2078, 2021
False smut of rice (Ustilaginoidea virens) under temperate agro-climatic conditions of Kashmir, India
GS Sanghera, MA Ahanger, SC Kashyap, ZA Bhat, AG Rather, GA Parray
Elixir Bio Tech 49, 9827-9830, 2012
Phylogeny and Optimization of Trichoderma harzianum for Chitinase Production: Evaluation of Their Antifungal Behaviour against the Prominent Soil Borne Phyto …
FA Mohiddin, SA Padder, AH Bhat, MA Ahanger, AB Shikari, SH Wani, ...
Microorganisms 9 (9), 1962, 2021
Management of root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum in blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) through use of fungal antagonists
GH Dar, MA Beig, FA Ahanger, NA Ganai, MA Ahangar
Asian Journal of plant pathology 5 (2), 62-67, 2011
Biofertilizers an approach to sustainability in agriculture: a review
IA Jehangir, MA Mir, MA Bhat, MA Ahangar
Int J Pure Appl Biosci 5, 327-334, 2017
Popularization of sweet corn (Zea mays L. Saccharata) under temperate conditions to boost the socioeconomic conditions
S Najeeb, FA Sheikh, MA Ahangar, NA Teli
Maize Genetic Cooperation Newsletter 85, 2011
Gene action and combining ability studies for yield and component traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.): A review
SH Dar, AG Rather, MA Ahanger, S Talib
Journal of Plant and Pest Science 1 (3), 110-127, 2014
Growth response and nutrient uptake of blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) seedlings inoculated with rhizosphere microorganisms under temperate nursery conditions
MA Ahangar, GH Dar, ZA Bhat
Annals of forest research 55 (2), 217-227, 2012
Effect of cultivar, fungicide spray and nitrogen fertilization on management of rice blast under temperate ecosystem
ZA Bhat, MA Ahangar, GS Sanghera, T Mubarak
International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 2 (3), 410-415, 2013
Baby corn (Zea mays L.): A means of crop diversification under temperate conditions of Kashmir
S Najeeb, AG Rather, FA Sheikh, MA Ahanger, NA Teli
Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter 85, 1-5, 2011
Combination of strobilurin and triazole chemicals for the management of blast disease in mushk budji-aromatic rice
FA Mohiddin, NA Bhat, SH Wani, AH Bhat, MA Ahanger, AB Shikari, ...
Journal of Fungi 7 (12), 1060, 2021
Pathogenic variability in Exserohilum turcicum and identification of resistant sources to turcicum leaf blight of maize (Zea mays L.)
MA Ahangar, ZA Bhat, FA Sheikh, ZA Dar, AA Lone, KS Hooda, M Reyaz
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (3), 1523-1529, 2016
LineŚ tester analysis in maize (Zea mays L.) for various morpho-agronomic traits under temperate conditions
ZA Dar, AA Lone, NS Khuroo, G Ali, I Abidi, MA Ahangar, MA Wani, ...
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 6 (7), 1430-1437, 2017
Genotypic and morphological diversity analysis in high altitude maize (zea mays L.) inbreds under himalayan temperate ecologies.
ZA Najar, FA Sheikh, S Najeeb, AB Shikari, MA Ahangar, GA Sheikh, ...
Combining ability analysis for yield and yield contributing traits in Popcorn (Zea mays everta L.) under temperate conditions
ZA Dar, AA Lone, BA Alie, MA Ahangar, G Ali, I Abidi, A Gazal, RA Lone
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7 (1), 361-366, 2018
Bakanae disease: a new threat to rice production under temperate ecology of Kashmir
MA Ahangar, ZA Bhat, S Najeeb, ZA Lone, H Sajad, SH Dar
Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences 1 (2), 6, 2014
Combining ability study in rice (Oryza saliva L.) under temperate conditions of Kashmir
S Najeeb, MA Zargar, AG Rather, FA Sheikh, MA Ahanger, MH Razvi
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 2 (1), 31-40, 2011
Evaluation of fungicides and rice genotypes for the management of Bakanae
MA Ahangar, S Najeeb, AG Rather, ZA Bhat, GA Parray, GS Sanghara, ...
ORYZA-An International Journal on Rice 49 (2), 121-126, 2012
Screening of Rice Germplasm Against Blast Disease Under Temperate Conditions ABSTRACT
SH Dar, AG Rather, S Najeeb, A Ahangar
Molecular Plant Breeding 6, 2015
Distribution, Etiology, Molecular Genetics and Management Perspectives of Northern Corn Leaf Blight of Maize (Zea mays L.).
MA Ahangar, SH Wani, ZA Dar, J Roohi, F Mohiddin, M Bansal, ...
Phyton (0031-9457) 91 (10), 2022
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Articles 1–20